Weather forecast by ... pig pancreas
An American farmer can predict a big blizzard through pig pancreas instead of radar or other modern technical means.
An American farmer can predict a big blizzard through pig pancreas instead of radar or other modern technical means.
Paul Smokov, 84, raised a herd of cattle on a 708 hectare farm in Steel, North Dakota. He regularly forecasted the weather by observing two 30-centimeter brown brown pancreas pieces on his kitchen counter.
If the pancreas is swollen and then narrowed, it means that the winter will come early with a gentle spring; if it is narrow and broader, this spring will have severe weather. If it is regular, there will be no significant changes.
" These pig pancreas pieces are 85% correct, according to my calculations. Even the weather engineers could not do better, " Smokov said. Smokov's parents living in Ukraine brought knowledge of weather forecasting. through my pig pancreas to the US when they evacuated from the last century.
Local weather forecasts announce a normal winter this year in North Dakota. This coincides with Smokov's prediction.
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