Weather forecast through shape ... Sun.

Sunspots on the Sun are the source of flashes, which have a great effect on processes under Earth. But unfortunately, these observations only allow people to predict the weather on Earth for a few hours soon.

Sunspots on the Sun are the source of flashes, which have a great effect on processes under Earth. But unfortunately, these observations only allow people to predict the weather on Earth for a few hours soon. Recently, a group of physicists at Stanford University (USA) said they have found a way to detect black spots when they have not yet appeared so that earlier weather phenomena can be predicted on the left. land.

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Sunspots on the Sun are the points where the temperature is reduced from 1,500 to 2,000 degrees. This spot can be observed with optical instruments, sometimes with the naked eye.

From 800 years ago the Chinese had known the sunspots on the Sun and in the West, astrologers have carefully recorded since 1128. From 1610, the Sun was observed by Galilée and Sheiner. hope.

If Sheiner considered the 'black spot' as a shadow of a passing planet, Galilée was the first to propose a black mark as part of the Sun itself. Thanks to this observation he discovered the rotation of planets around it.

Picture 1 of Weather forecast through shape ... Sun.

Subsequent observations in the nineteenth century allowed the periodicity of the Sun's activities to be determined (on average they lasted 1 year). In 1845, D. Henry and C. Alexander, Princeton University found that black spots on the Sun emit less radiation than the surrounding regions.

By the twentieth century it was known its physical nature. These are magnetic stimuli , preventing the free circulation of plasma, causing heat exchange. The number and size of dark spots is a clear indicator for determining the Sun's magnetic activity. The duration of these black spots is several months.

It is the black spot that causes flashes on the Sun , although it only takes a few minutes to pour into the Earth with a huge energy (equivalent to a few megaton of trotyl explosives). Radiation and high-speed charged particles dissipate into space, down to Earth will cause aurora phenomenon, electrical devices and electronic devices will be damaged, including satellites on the fund. religion and impact on both humans and animals.

Thus, if predicting sunspots on the Sun a few days before, it will help those on Earth to prevent and neutralize the impact of the sun's rays, mitigate the damage. For example, turn off sensitive devices that are operating, stop some affected production lines, who do not leave the house, take measures to protect cardiovascular patients . But unfortunately, we only know now. the flashes on the sun a few days before it happened.

According to Stanford University scientists, it is possible to detect sunspots earlier in the sun by means of sound waves, like seismic methods that allow the study of the motion of rock layers through observation. Seismic waves. The sound wave method is like that, observing the turbulent flow of plasma, which can 'look' into the depths of stars, which are the Sun.

According to the researchers, black spots with large enough size will make sound waves quickly up 12-16 seconds. Calculations show that this method allows detection of sunspots on the Sun at depths of up to 60,000km. This means that dark spots can be detected a few days before they can be clearly observed.

Today, SOHO and SDO exploration satellites regularly record sound activities and send them to Earth. So in the past time, scientists have predicted the occurrence of five sunspots on the Sun, two of which are the cause of lightning on the Sun.

Update 17 December 2018



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