What is Bromhexine?

Bromhexine is a drug used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Let's find out more about product information, how to use the medicine, and the best way to preserve the medicine through the following article!

Bromhexine is a drug used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Let's find out more about product information, how to use the medicine, and the best way to preserve the medicine through the following article!

Bromhexine: Effects, dose and storage

  • Bromhexine effects
  • How to take Bromhexine medicine
  • Storage of Bromhexine medicine
  • Dosage of Bromhexine medicine
  • Side effects of the drug Bromhexine
  • Note before taking Bromhexine
  • Drug interactions

Bromhexine effects

Bromhexine, containing the active ingredient bromhexin 8mg, belongs to the respiratory system group, the cough and cold subheading.

Bromhexin 8mg is used in a state of thick mucus in the airways. Bromhexine is mucolytics, dilutes mucus in the airways, thus making the mucus less sticky and facilitates the removal of mucus.

Picture 1 of What is Bromhexine?

Bromhexin 8mg is used in a state of thick mucus in the airways.

How to take Bromhexine medicine

Bromhexine should be taken with food. You can take bromhexin 8mg with or after meals.

Storage of Bromhexine medicine

Store at room temperature, away from moisture, away from light. Do not store in the bathroom. Do not store in the freezer. Each medication may have different storage methods. Read the directions on the packaging carefully, or ask your pharmacist. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Do not throw medication into the toilet or water line unless required. Dispose of properly when the medicine is expired or cannot be used. Consult your pharmacist or local waste disposal company about how to safely dispose of your medicine.

Dosage of Bromhexine medicine

Adults: take 8-16 mg. Use 3 times / day.

Dosage for children has not been studied and decided. Consult your doctor if you plan to give this medication to a child.

Bromhexine has the following forms and contents:

  • Bromhexine tablets 8mg.
  • Bromhexine syrup 4mg / 5 ml.

Side effects of the drug Bromhexine

You may experience some side effects including:

  • Side effects from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Headache;
  • Dizzy;
  • Perspiration;
  • Skin rash;
  • Cough or bronchospasm.

Mild side effects include:

  • Feeling full in the stomach;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Undigested;
  • Nausea.

Not everyone exhibits the above side effects. There may be other side effects not mentioned. If you have any questions about side effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Note before taking Bromhexine

Before using, tell your doctor if you have any of the following problems:

Manifesting symptoms of pneumonia or other pulmonary infections (such as difficulty breathing at rest, bloody mucus, fever with a temperature over 38 ° C, chest pain), having a low immune system due to conditions other health (eg HIV) or medications (eg chemotherapy, immune system drugs) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or uncontrolled severe asthma;

If you have sores, liver, kidney or stomach problems;

If you have a history of allergy to bromhexine or any of the other ingredients listed in the product.

There are still not enough studies to determine the risk of using this medication during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Before taking medication, always consult your doctor to weigh the benefits and risks.

Drug interactions

Drug interactions can alter the ability of the drug to work or increase the effects of side effects. This document does not include the full range of possible drug interactions. Write a list of all the medicines you are taking (including prescription, over-the-counter and supplements) and show it to your doctor or pharmacist. Do not arbitrarily take, stop or change the dosage of the drug without a doctor's permission, especially:

Any antibiotic because bromhexin 8mg can increase the absorption of antibiotics.

Certain medicines should not be taken with meals or at the same time as certain foods because of the possible interaction. Alcohol and tobacco may also interact with certain drugs. Consult your health professional about taking medication with food, alcohol and tobacco.

Your medical condition may affect the use of this medicine. Tell your doctor if you have any health problems, especially:

  • History of peptic ulcer;
  • Asthma;
  • Severe hepatic or renal impairment.

In case of emergency or overdose, call 911 immediately or go to the nearest local health station.

If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the scheduled time. Do not take twice the prescribed dose.

Note: Information about medicines, proprietary medicines posted in the Family medicine cabinet section on Khoahoc.tv website is for reference only. Please consult with your doctor before deciding to treat any medicine to bring good effect and safety for your health.

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Update 02 October 2019



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