What is cajeput oil? Uses of cajeput oil

Melaleuca oil is one of the most commonly used oils and essential oils in Vietnam. Cajeput oil was created by the distillation of the essential oil of the cajeput tree - Cajeput with many useful uses for health and beauty.

Melaleuca oil is one of the most commonly used oils and essential oils in Vietnam. Cajeput oil was created by the distillation of the essential oil of the cajeput tree - Cajeput with many useful uses for health and beauty.

So what is cajeput oil?

Melaleuca oil is a natural essential oil, extracted by steam distillation, entirely from wind Melaleuca trees or in our country also known as wild Melaleuca, the main components to extract essential oils are from leaves and branches. , Dear.

Picture 1 of What is cajeput oil? Uses of cajeput oil

Melaleuca oil is a natural essential oil distilled from the cajuput tree.

Currently there are 2 popular types of cajeput oil:

  • Melaleuca essential oil (Scientific name: Melaleuca cajuputi Powell): This woody plant is grown mainly in Southeast Asia including Vietnam. The main constituents of Cajeput oil are Cineol (Eucalytol), Alpha Terminal and Limonene. Cineol plays the most important role due to its antibacterial properties.
  • Tea tree essential oil (Scientific name: Melaleuca alternifolia): The tree belongs to the Peach family, first described in 1924. Originated and first used by Aboriginal Australians. Main components are Gamma-terpinene and terpinen-4-ol. This essential oil is mainly used for skin care, acne treatment.

Usually when we think of the term ' cajeput oil' we think of cajeput oil. If you specifically mention tea tree oil, then you understand that we are talking about the type of tea tree originated from Australia. Tea tree oil is known in English as Tea Tree oil.

Uses of Melaleuca oil (Wind Melaleuca essential oil)

1. Prevention and support treatment of respiratory diseases

Melaleuca oil helps reduce cough, prevent and reduce respiratory symptoms of laryngitis, bronchitis, . When stuffy nose, you can smell the wind Melaleuca essential oil to clear the nose, reduce the symptoms of runny nose. The fragrance of cajeput oil also helps to prevent seasonal diseases effectively.

2. Melaleuca oil helps to beautify the skin

Thanks to its antiseptic and astringent properties, melaleuca oil helps treat acne, pustules, dermatitis, fungal skin infections, psoriasis, tinea versicolor, etc. So melaleuca oil is also a perfect complement to the routine. Daily skincare helps skin firm and smooth.

3. Relieve pain quickly with cajeput oil

Cajeput oil is effective in relieving pain in oil pain, muscle aches, etc. Massage the cajeput oil on the forehead to relieve headaches without the use of medications. In addition, Cajeput essential oil also has anti-inflammatory effects so when diluted it can also help reduce muscle soreness and arthritis. Cajeput oil is always accompanied by professional athletes, whoever needs it after exertion.

Picture 2 of What is cajeput oil? Uses of cajeput oil

In dentistry, melaleuca oil is also used to relieve pain after tooth extraction.

4. Anti-inflammatory - antibacterial

Cajeput oil has effective antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They are used to prevent and treat nail infections, foot fungus, warts, rashes, antiseptic against infections, gingivitis prevention, mouth ulcers .

5. Aromatherapy

The cajuput oil is diffused in the air to bring a fresh fragrance to help disinfect, purify the air, relax, reduce fatigue, lift the spirits, . and repel insects. In addition, when inhaling the wind Melaleuca essential oil also reduces congestion.

6. Support the circulatory system - increase sweating

Cajeput Cajeput oil stimulates circulation, warms the body and increases sweating. By stimulating the function of sweating to help detoxify naturally, reduce fever and relieve cold.

7. Reduce muscle spasms, cramps

Melaleuca oil helps to reduce spasms, relieve pain in the case of cramps, muscle contractions. Dilute melaleuca oil with your favorite background oil and massage it. Cajeput cajeput oil is a great choice after training because it helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation and muscle spasms.

8. Repelling insects and treating insect bites

One of the benefits of cajeput oil is that it effectively repels insects such as mosquitoes, flies, etc., keeping them away from your home. Also can be used to apply insect bites to reduce swelling, reduce itching.

9. Treatment of sinusitis

Sinusitis is caused by an infection of the paranasal sinuses, causing painful, painful symptoms for the sufferer. Sinusitis is very difficult to stop treatment, it takes a long time for treatment, to be relieved, and it does not necessarily require regular and consistent perseverance.

Picture 3 of What is cajeput oil? Uses of cajeput oil

Melaleuca essential oil helps treat sinusitis very well.

It is wonderful that one of the effects of pure melaleuca oil is to help overcome, as well as treat sinusitis very well. The process is very simple, you need to prepare a bowl of moderate hot water, then put a few drops of Melaleuca wind on, then cover the headscarves and water bowl, perform the nose. Wind Melaleuca essential oil will rise with the steam, you need to breathe to put it inside the sinuses, melaleuca will kill bacteria and soften mucus, pus from which to eliminate them.

The implementation should be regular, as well as breathing in a clean, dust-free environment, helping the sinuses not become inflamed, the condition will gradually reduce and heal.

10. Purification of air

In our country, in the tropical monsoon region, the humidity is high, making mold grow quickly, along with that, the seasonal weather also becomes more severe . that's why Respiratory diseases often develop.

Therefore, to avoid it, we need to purify the air with pure melaleuca essential oil, simply by using a diffuser, a light lamp or hot water. Melaleuca will be spread to every corner of the space, kill mold, inhibit and fight viruses, harmful bacteria, stabilize the environment, help the body healthy.

11. Eliminate bad breath

Bad breath is caused by the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, so we still mix a few drops of natural Melaleuca essential oil into warm water, then stir, then place the mixture into the inner mouth. for 1 minute, gargle and spit out. Strong antiseptic ability, melaleuca will help to stop the odor or limit bad breath, regain confidence and ensure the best oral health

Update 13 February 2020



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