What is diabetes? Causes and ways to treat diabetes

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is an endocrine disease caused by a blood sugar disorder that keeps blood sugar levels high.

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is an endocrine disease caused by a blood sugar disorder that keeps blood sugar levels high.

This is a common disease today, causing significant impacts on the health and life of patients. Because diabetes is the cause of cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, kidney failure, etc. Therefore, you need to know the symptoms of diabetes in order to detect and control the disease in time.

Diabetes has 3 main types: type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes. This disease is quite common today and can be encountered in any audience, including young children. With type 1 diabetes, most people who are infected are young people and young people. Particularly for type 2 diabetes, the majority of the elderly are the most vulnerable subjects. At this age, an unreasonable diet, accompanied by poor blood sugar control, causes metabolic disorders and leads to diabetes. Besides, gestational diabetes is a disease that occurs in pregnant women.

Picture 1 of What is diabetes? Causes and ways to treat diabetes

This disease is quite common today and can be encountered in any audience.

In general, we can see some signs of diabetes such as frequent thirst and frequent urination, etc. However, the level and specific manifestations of the disease depend on the different types. Accordingly, type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes will have different symptoms. Patients can distinguish by symptoms of each of these diseases according to the following information:

The symptoms

Most patients with type 1 diabetes experience some of the following typical symptoms:

  • Frequently feeling tired, uncomfortable, always in dizziness, dizziness.
  • Thirst: occurs when you notice excessive thirst compared to normal.
  • Sudden weight loss without any reason.
  • Hungry feeling writhing.
  • Urinate a lot at night.

The symptoms

Picture 2 of What is diabetes? Causes and ways to treat diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes often eat more and feel fast.

Type 2 diabetes is quite a serious disease. The initial manifestations of the disease are often difficult to identify and distinguish. Most patients with this disease often recognize the disease when accidentally going to a regular health check or when the disease has changed to a clear stage.

In people with type 2 diabetes, similar symptoms appear to type 1 diabetes as always feeling tired due to the body's inability to use glucose to create energy but to use body fat. ; patients lose weight quickly without any reason. In addition, the disease is also manifested by the following characteristic signs:

  • Eat a lot and feel fast : this is a typical manifestation of type 2 diabetes because high levels of insulin in the body cause a feeling of hunger.
  • Long-term wound healing : because the patient's blood sugar level is quite high, causing leukemia to function abnormally, reducing the ability to protect the body against invading bacteria and bacteria.
  • Infection : because the immune system is severely impaired by diabetes, making the body more susceptible to infections, genital fungi, skin infections, .
  • Sexual disorder : manifested through both male and female diseases such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, .
  • Look blurry, unclear.

Symptoms of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a disease that occurs only in pregnant women. This disease will go away after the mother gives birth. However, complications of the disease can seriously affect the health of both mother and baby. Specifically, the mother will be very prone to pre-eclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage, premature birth, miscarriage, . and subsequent pregnancies will also be very susceptible to gestational diabetes. As for the fetus, the babies gain weight quickly, making it difficult to give birth. In particular, children will face some dangerous complications such as birth defects, respiratory failure, jaundice, . even death. If not controlled promptly, gestational diabetes can develop complications into type 2 diabetes.

Picture 3 of What is diabetes? Causes and ways to treat diabetes
Gestational diabetes is only detected when the patient is in the 24th week of pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes is only detected when the patient is in her 24th week of pregnancy. If she does not have gestational diabetes, the mother will experience symptoms such as:

  • Always in a thirsty state, drink plenty of water.
  • Regularly urinate at night and feel uncomfortable in the abdomen.
  • Often dizziness, dizziness, physical weakness.
  • There are signs of appetite and always feel hungry.

To control the best blood sugar, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • Supplement your body with essential nutrients, especially vitamins from green vegetables.
  • Limit the use of foods that contain too much grease and sugar. Patients can use sugar specifically for people with diabetes.
  • Exercise regularly to improve your body's resistance and best control your blood sugar.
  • Keep weight at a stable level and avoid excessive weight gain.
  • Always keep the mind at ease, avoid stress, worry too much, make the disease worse.

Diabetes is currently a dangerous and common occurrence today in our country. The disease causes significant effects on the health, living and threatening the lives of patients. Therefore, understanding the typical symptoms of the disease, you can build yourself appropriate precautions.

If you notice that your body has any symptoms in the above diabetes symptoms, you should quickly see your doctor to be checked, diagnosed and have timely remedies if infected.

Causes of diabetes

The main cause of diabetes is primarily due to lack of insulin, type 1 diabetes due to deficiency of insulin in the body, type 2 diabetes due to insufficient secretion of the body. These two causes will cause sugar deficiency in the blood causing diabetes.

Measures to cure diabetes

Currently, in order to treat diabetes effectively, patients need to adhere to the diet, exercise and treatment regimen of doctors. Here are some notes:

Treatment with diet

Patients need to ensure a diet full of protein, fat, sugar powder, vitamins, minerals with a reasonable amount. As follows:

Picture 4 of What is diabetes? Causes and ways to treat diabetes

  • Keep schedules of meals on time. Only eating meat for the maximum of 2 meals, the remaining meals should include plenty of vegetables and cereal products.
  • Remove fatty foods. It is very beneficial to eat a lot of low energy foods like vegetables, dried mushrooms, cucumbers .
  • Don't skip meals, even if you don't want to eat.
  • Do everything to make you feel good.
  • Eat slowly, chew carefully.
  • Even if it tastes good, it doesn't eat too much.
  • Processing food in the form of boiled and cooked is main, not frying, frying, using animal fat.
  • When dieting and quantity restrictions are needed, food needs to be reduced slowly, over time. Not abruptly abstaining will have an adverse effect on blood sugar. Once it has reached the required level, it is necessary to maintain a diet on a patient basis, without increasing or decreasing it at will.
  • Adhere to the principle of diverse, multi-ingredient food, eat enough to have a moderate weight, limit fat intake, especially animal fat, eat a moderate amount of fiber, limit salt intake, avoid alcohol beer and alcoholic drinks.
  • There should be a snack before going to bed, maybe just a glass of milk or a slice of watermelon.

Treatment with motor mode

As recommended by the World Diabetes Federation, patients with type 2 diabetes should exercise a total of 30-45 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week or 150 minutes / week. Long plastic movements such as walking, running, swimming, jumping rope, cycling, should get enough strength to increase heart rate and respiratory frequency. Encourage antagonistic exercise 3 times / week.

  • When complications appear, peripheral neurological complications and autonomy, the patient should move gently, do not carry heavy objects, should swim, bike ride, paddle, practice sitting movements in place, hand movement. Avoid running on the carpet, stretching, jogging, leg training.
  • When complications of kidney disease appear, diabetics should operate from mild to moderate, avoiding high activity.
  • When there are complications such as retinopathy, patients should play sports that have less impact on the heart such as swimming, walking, lightweight exercise, cycling in place, endurance exercise. Avoid activities that need strength such as weightlifting, jogging, tennis, tough training.

Treatment with herbs

Some herbs are very good for people with typical diabetes such as bitter melon, aloe vera, curry plants, basil, mango leaves . The patients can combine these supplements in the diet will be good. during treatment.

Treatment of diabetes with drugs

In type 1 diabetes, pancreatic beta cells are destroyed so that insulin cannot be released to the body. At this time, patients need to be treated with insulin.

For type 2 diabetes, abnormal insulin deficiency by 3 reduces insulin, insulin resistance and increases glucose production from the liver. Therefore, treating diabetes requires groups of oral hypoglycemic agents that increase the body's production of insulin, reduce insulin resistance, and prevent intestinal absorption of carbohydrates. All indications for medication use should comply with the doctor's instructions.

Preventing diabetes

Diabetes is really dangerous because it is difficult to detect, so beware of diabetes prevention as soon as it does not have a chance to attack you:

Weight loss to avoid obesity. According to the results of many studies, diabetes will develop slowly to make it easier to treat if the patient reduces 5-7% of body weight. Losing weight and regular physical activity also helps the body be able to produce higher insulin - the main reason for not having diabetes. People who lose 5-7% of their body weight.

Have a proper diet, choose foods low in fat, sugar and sodium, and should choose low-calorie drinks. Replace white rice foods with cereal or brown rice, if conditions do not allow, try to eat less of these.

Quitting smoking and stimulants creates a healthy life to prevent diabetes risk.

Check blood pressure, cholesterol and blood regularly. Patients with type 2 diabetes often have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So patients should maintain their blood pressure lower than 130 / 80mmHg to prevent diabetes associated diseases. In addition, you should also create a routine health check routine every 3-6 months to detect diabetes and other diseases early and treat diabetes as soon as possible and easier.

Update 15 December 2018



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