Why on the apple shell or pear or tiny dots appear?

Pears and apples are familiar and favorite fruits of many people. So everyone ate this kind of fruit many times and would have noticed that, on the skin of these fruits, there were often small white dots.

Certainly there is a reason for it, but why on these fruits are there tiny dots, do they harm me?

Pears and apples are familiar and favorite fruits of many people. So everyone ate this kind of fruit many times and would have noticed that, on the skin of these fruits, there are often tiny white, brown spots - about 1 - 2mm in size.

But what effect does these tiny dots have? But why do they exist on that fruit all the time?

In fact, those dots are shell holes (lenticels) and they are important for plants.

Like animals, plants also need constant gas exchange.

Parts of plants such as flowers, leaves, fruits and even bark also need to absorb CO2 and release oxygen.

Picture 1 of Why on the apple shell or pear or tiny dots appear?

Tiny dots on apple shells.

But unlike humans and animals, plants don't have noses - so they need to equip themselves with holes in the shell to breathe.

And so, the tiny dots on the surface of the leaves, bark, fruits . will carry out this task. This is considered a way for plants to absorb CO2 and release oxygen.

The shells - lenticel - can appear in many fruits, but most notably apples and pears.

Picture 2 of Why on the apple shell or pear or tiny dots appear?

Peach tree is one of the plants that make it easy to recognize the most lenticel holes.

Based on these shells, many people will realize that it is time to harvest the ripe fruit.

However, due to the simple structure, the shell holes are often infected,; pathogens, fungi easily attack this shell and cause damage to the fruit.

So, sometimes you will see apples and pears often rotten, appear dark spots on the surface, and then spread out. They are infected with "rotten hole" (lenticels breakdown) .

Picture 3 of Why on the apple shell or pear or tiny dots appear?

Fruit and bark also need to absorb CO2 and release oxygen.

According to experts, the disease occurs after apples and pears are harvested and sealed. Although sometimes these spots on apples and pears do not affect the quality of the fruit inside, it makes the aesthetics of the fruit seriously degraded.

And as a result, not a few apples, pears . are "avocado" when carrying ugly black spots on the surface.

Update 18 December 2018



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