Women often bring the past to the future

Women in general tend to be more anxious and stressed than men. They also envision many risky situations and become more panicked than the guys.

Women in general tend to be more anxious and stressed than men. They also envision many risky situations and become more panicked than the guys.

Now scientists know why. Women often believe that past experiences will predict the future. The study included children from 3-6 years of age and adults of 2 genders, checking each person's anxiety level when thinking about the possibility that a bad situation in the past could be repeated in the future.

Picture 1 of Women often bring the past to the future
In the first part, the participants heard 6 stories in which one character was harmed by another. Several days later, the character felt anxious and changed his behavior when he saw the one who had harmed him last time.

The second part is the same, but this time the main character meets the person who looks like the one who harmed him before.

At the end of each story, participants explained why the other character was worried and changed behavior.

Women, both children and adults, take insecurity to explain the character's reaction, in which they often argue based on events that will likely happen, not necessarily happen. . They are also more likely than men to speculate that the main character will worry that people with bad-looking looks will harm them again.

The bigger the children, the more likely they are to associate past events with the future, and this goes deeper into their cognitive development.

"This result is important because it shows the type of thinking that connects the past to the future and its effects on emotions and behaviors that have evolved right from the early years of human learning." fake Kristin Lagattuta at the University of California, Davis, USA, said.


Update 18 December 2018



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