You probably did not know: Gunpowder was born during the making of elixir

Everyone loves fireworks - light, colors and of course loud bangs. But the history of fireworks is not just a celebration.

Everyone loves fireworks - light, colors and of course loud bangs. But the history of fireworks is not just a celebration. Long before the impressive fireworks were displayed, alchemists in China invented an important component that pushed these dazzling beams of light into the sky. That invention is what we call gunpowder.

Gunpowder came from the elixir of life!

The story begins in ancient China in the middle of the ninth century where early Chinese alchemists were trying to create an immortal elixir. But accidentally created a flammable powder that burned many of their homes. In the beginning, the Chinese did not find a way to explode the powder, it was simply very flammable, so their army used it to make fire arrows and even flamethrowers.

Picture 1 of You probably did not know: Gunpowder was born during the making of elixir

Instead of immortality, Chinese alchemists found something that left a mark on all civilizations.

But when they found the right ratio between the ingredients to create an explosion, they began to use them more, they created fireworks for rituals and explosives to combat the Mongol invaders.

And it is likely that the Mongols spread the invention of gunpowder all over the world. After their attacks on China they learned how to produce gunpowder on their own and carry it on conquests in Persia and India. William of Rubruck, a European ambassador to Mongolia, may have been responsible for bringing gunpowder to Europe around 1254.

Since then, military engineers and inventors have created all kinds of destructive weapons. From bombs to guns and cannons, gunpowder has left its mark in the world quite horribly, in contrast to the beautiful shapes it leaves in the sky. So, how did that black powder shoot into fireworks in the sky?

When will gunpowder explode?

You may have seen cowboy movies or cartoons where the lines of gunpowder were lit and led to a large barrel, once the fire reached the barrel, the barrel exploded. But why only when the new barrel explodes? The reason is that burning powder releases energy and gas, which easily spreads into the surrounding air when the powder of gun powder is burned. But when gunpowder is stored in barrels, energy and gas cannot easily escape and accumulate until BOOMMM!

Similarly, the firework containers are designed to have only a single hole, to create energy for the explosion. This procedure causes gunpowder to explode and energy is released through an easy firework to release fireworks into the sky. The fire then enters the first part of the fireworks and BOOMMM !!!

Instead of immortality, Chinese alchemists found something that left a mark on all civilizations, causing tragic moments in human history but still bringing us joy. fresh and hopeful looking up at the night sky in colorful festivals.

Update 30 October 2019



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