9 foods that help lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is considered a

High blood pressure is considered a "silent killer". If you are at risk or are treating high blood pressure, use the foods below.


Kiwifruit contains a lot of Lutein, a very good antioxidant. Therefore, people with high blood pressure who eat 3 kiwifruit daily will be very effective.


According to a new study of food learners from Florida State University (USA), watermelon is an effective natural weapon against the phenomenon of high blood pressure, heart disease precursor. They are a natural food source rich in L-citruline - an essential amino acid needed for nitric oxide formation to help regulate heart rate and blood pressure. In addition to the cardiovascular benefits of citrulline, watermelons also provide plenty of vitamins A, B6, C, fiber, potassium and lycopene (strong antioxidants).


Hawthorn is a fruit that grows on mountains, contains many vitamins, flavonoids - effective natural antioxidants, enhances the body's immune system, helps heart health, diuretic and extremely good blood pressure reduction.

Picture 1 of 9 foods that help lower blood pressure

hibiscus flowers

According to a study by Tufts University, drinking hibiscus tea every day helps lower blood pressure and increase cardiovascular health for people at high risk of high blood pressure. Hibiscus tea works to dilate blood vessel walls, preventing metabolic enzymes from raising blood pressure.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa powder. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), consuming about 30 calories per day (about a small square bar) dark chocolate will help lower blood pressure after 18 weeks without gaining weight or No other side effects.


Bananas are high in potassium and are good foods to lower blood pressure. Eat a banana in the morning or afternoon with almonds. In addition, you can chop the bananas into small pieces, put them in a bag, and put them in the fridge to enjoy.


Garlic contains a compound from sulfur, allicin, which has a positive effect in protecting, preventing and fighting cardiovascular system diseases such as atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Besides, many studies show that eating garlic regularly also helps the body fight cancer such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer .

Purple sweet potato

In addition to the weight loss effect, purple sweet potatoes have a very good use in treating high blood pressure. When eating sweet potatoes, leave the baked and boiled shells on, not to fry and fry to avoid reducing the oxidizing ingredients in the potatoes. In particular, do not eat potatoes with margarine, it will invalidate the 'stabilize' blood pressure.


High potassium in raisins is an extremely important factor in reducing blood pressure. Raisins recommended by doctors should be part of a diet with high fiber content, low fat content, and lower blood pressure.

Update 14 December 2018



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