Ancient medicine confirms that cold water is more harmful to the body than warm water

The feeling of drinking cold water after walking in the hot sun is cool and refreshing, but is it really good for health? Here are some of these routine analyzes from the perspective of modern science and thousands of years of ancient medicine in China and India.

The feeling of drinking cold water after walking in the hot sun is cool and refreshing, but is it really good for health? Here are some of these routine analyzes from the perspective of modern science and thousands of years of ancient medicine in China and India.

After a few minutes of walking in the hot and hot weather, some people often drink a glass of cold water, completely happy when they feel the water flowing down their throat, leaving a cool feeling that makes you sober .

However, drinking cold water is generally harmful to health, and no matter what your reason or explanation is, you should not continue the habit of drinking cold water when it is hot, which is his general advice. Modern learning and ancient medical traditions.

Cold water and digestion

Cold water will slow down the digestion process, which has been tested in many integrated analysis studies (summing up many studies on the same topic, the most reliable type of medical research), according to the website. Penn State University (USA).

The results of modern science also coincide with the views of ancient medicine traditions for thousands of years. The Chinese, whose history is the oldest in the world, are the first to discover and know that drinking cold water is harmful to health, especially drinking cold water after eating.

How is drinking cold water harmful to the digestive process?

First, warm water causes the skin pores to expand, allowing the skin to relax, while cold water or ice makes the skin tighten, pores are closed. The same phenomenon on the whole body also occurs when we drink cold water.

The enzymes in the body work best at 37-42⁰C, so when we eat and drink ice water, the temperature inside the body is reduced, the walls of blood vessels are narrowed, the digestive system shrinks. The body needs to consume more energy to bring the body temperature back to normal. All the energy intended to digest food is used to heat that cold liquid.

Secondly, cold water or cold beverage will make the fat we eat become thicker. The body needs more energy to break down fats, according to ScienceABC.

As a result, the digestive process takes place more slowly than usual, making you more tired. In addition, difficult digestive processes make our bodies not receive enough protein and nutrients to function well in other organs.

Picture 1 of Ancient medicine confirms that cold water is more harmful to the body than warm water

Drinking cold water while eating will slow down digestion.(Photo:

Third, according to the health page for StyleCraze women, drink cold water or ice against Ayurveda's principles, ancient medicine has a tradition of 3,000-5,000 years of India. Ayurveda sees people as a collection of five basic elements: space, air, water, fire, and earth.

Cold water will reduce the power of Fire, leading to digestive diseases, toxic buildup, the source of many other diseases. Drinking cold ice after a meal also produces a lot of mucus in the body, making your immune system weaker, and your body more sensitive, cold or flu. In addition, drinking cold water also causes dehydration in some cases.

For these reasons, ScienceABC gives the best advice that you should drink warm water or room temperature water at meals.

Cold water and exercise

The first rule that everyone who has ever done a certain type of exercise knows: never ignore the heating up. We need to heat people up before any exercise or physical activity to increase blood flow to the muscles, providing flexibility and consuming more energy.

However, what happens when we start exercising? Our bodies start to heat up and sweat. What we need to focus on here is that the body's internal temperature begins to increase.

Usually, sweat will help your body cool. Therefore, when we drink cold water while exercising, our perspiration mechanism will be under more pressure, reducing the level of body heat up to cool down so the body temperature decreases.

Picture 2 of Ancient medicine confirms that cold water is more harmful to the body than warm water

Drinking cold water when exercising can reduce body temperature.(Photo: Amazing Healthy Food).

So is there any case where you need to drink cold water when exercising?

According to Motor Impairment, the Uhthoff phenomenon, people with multiple sclerosis (MS) do not tolerate heat, are easily tired when they are physically active or in a hot environment.

According to the report, body cooling will help them better control the Uhthoff phenomenon. American, British and Queensland (Australian) MS associations recommend that people with multiple nerve fibers should drink cold water when physically active.

In April of this year, a controlled study of cold drinking water when exercising in people with multiple neurons of scientists from the University of Sydney School of Health Sciences was published in the library. American country (PUDMED), the world's leading online medical database.

In this study, patients with temperature-sensitive MS were, in turn, given warm water (37 ° C) and cold (1.5 ° C) during cycling exercises for the lower body. The results showed that, when drinking hot water, the training time of MS patients was nearly 50% shorter than the control group.

When drinking cold water, patients practice longer, 30% more practice time. Another thing is that drinking cold water also helps MS patients to improve their supple, not hinder the increase in rectal and skin temperature during exercise.

However, the team also recommends that additional fluid consumption may not be the optimal solution for patients with gastrointestinal and urine control problems.

Other effects of cold water

According to some studies, drinking cold water is also associated with more severe migraine in people who have experienced this condition. In addition, cold water has a clear effect on heart rate. It is thought that cold water affects the vagus nerve (one of 12 pairs of cranial nerves is responsible for breathing, circulation, digestion), making the heart beat more slowly.

Cold liquids also move out of the stomach faster, making the re-hydration process (the body absorbs more water for body fluids and fluids to recover lost water).

As for warm water, we tend to feel less thirsty and drink less. This is especially important when we lose large amounts of water through respiration and when it's hot. Cold water also increases metabolism because the body needs to consume energy to stabilize the internal temperature. The same thing happens if you drink hot water.

Summarizing the above analysis, it can be concluded that, when the body is easily dehydrated like when it is hot, we should still drink warm water close to body temperature. Warm water helps the body keep water longer, making the hydration process slower so the body is less thirsty and you don't need to drink much water.

When you drink cold water, the body initially feels cool but does not hold water for long and must consume more energy to stabilize the temperature. The more cold water you drink, the more tired you are and the more thirsty you are.

Picture 3 of Ancient medicine confirms that cold water is more harmful to the body than warm water

When it is hot, warm water helps the body keep water longer, less thirsty and does not need much water.(Photo: HuffPost).

The benefits of drinking warm water

According to StyleCraze, warm water has many benefits such as:

  • Stimulates natural digestive enzymes, enhances digestion
  • Clean the blood.
  • Enhance the process of toxic waste through the skin and kidneys.
  • Prevent the dehydration of the body.

Picture 4 of Ancient medicine confirms that cold water is more harmful to the body than warm water

(Photo: meramuda)

  • Prevent the fat you consume from freezing in the blood, making it easy to break down food.
  • Enhance waste disposal from the intestine (go to the toilet). Drinking lemon juice with warm water every morning can be more effective, resolving any indigestion problem.

Once you start drinking warm water, you will get used to this and soon realize that your digestion has a significant improvement.

Water is essential because 80% of our bodies are water. Therefore, drinking water in the right amount and temperature, in suitable time periods will support digestion and enhance health.

And the next time you grab a glass of cold water after you've eaten, think about the nutrients and energy you might lose.

The easiest ways to maintain a healthy body are to eat good food and sleep well. A small mistake can also damage your digestion and make you sick.

Picture 5 of Ancient medicine confirms that cold water is more harmful to the body than warm water

Drinking warm water significantly improves your digestive ability.(Photo: New Woman India).

In short, warm water is better for our body than cold water. Cold water is only beneficial in certain cases.

Therefore, before drinking water even at any temperature, we should pay attention to reconcile the water temperature according to the current needs of the body to achieve the best results for health. And if you're constantly drinking ice, start switching to warm or warm water to prevent disease.

Update 15 December 2018



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