Exercise tips in the cold season does not harm health

Do not wear 100% cotton clothes because perspiration does not evaporate easily to make the body cold; Drink warm water and start twice before exercising.

Drink enough water to avoid hypothermia

Health experts advise people before exercising in the morning to drink at least one glass of warm water. During exercise, you should also take a few sips of water, even if you don't feel thirsty to avoid the risk of hypothermia.

Don't forget to start up

Starting before training is indispensable. Especially in winter, pay more attention to start up, double boot time to help the body warmer. So when exercising, muscles will not be negatively affected by cold temperatures outside the environment.

Picture 1 of Exercise tips in the cold season does not harm health
Starting before training is indispensable, especially in winter.(Artwork: Health).

Protection of respiratory organs

Exercising in the cold can harm your lungs, causing you a sore throat and lung pain. Some people are prone to bronchospasm leading to pain, coughing and shortness of breath. If you have a cough, trouble breathing and prolonged pain, see your doctor.

Suitable training outfit

When it is cold, to avoid hypothermia and prevent respiratory and flu infections, choose the right workout outfit. Do not wear 100% cotton material because sweat cannot evaporate causing the body to become cold. It's best to use cotton with polyester to keep it warm and comfortable.

After completing the training, change into dry clothes as soon as possible. In case of practicing outdoors and don't want to go back home right away, you should bring a dry towel and jacket to keep your body temperature stable. You can then take a sip of tea to warm your body.

Note: People with fever from 38 degrees C should not exercise in cold weather.