The 77-year-old still takes off to exercise in the middle of the ice

The habit of practicing sports regularly, although it is sleet outside of a 77-year-old tool in China, many young people must feel ashamed.

Picture 1 of The 77-year-old still takes off to exercise in the middle of the ice
Mr. Gao Yinyu, 77 years old still exercise outdoors
whether the temperature drops to -25 degrees C. (Photo: Getty Images)

For 10 years, Mr. Gao Yinyu, 77, from cold Jilin Province, northeastern China has maintained a daily health training schedule, regardless of sunny weather - rain, hot - cold. And according to this retired teacher and his relatives' confirmation, he did not catch a cold for a long time.

Picture 2 of The 77-year-old still takes off to exercise in the middle of the ice
Running, practicing cold outdoor beams in bare, shorts.

Currently, although the weather in the residence has dropped to -25 degrees Celsius and the snowy weather outside, Mr. Gao still jogs and runs his hair before jumping into the bathing pool. It is worth mentioning that, the old man in this age 'rarely' performed all of these exercises in the form of 'naked, shorts'.

Picture 3 of The 77-year-old still takes off to exercise in the middle of the ice
After exercising, Mr. Gao jumped down to bathe in a lake.

Many people may want to imitate Mr. Gao's example of exercising health, but according to experts, in order to practice sports safely in cold weather, you need to keep in mind the following points:

When exercising, your body works to maintain an equilibrium temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, author Laura Schwecherl writes on a healthy live website Greatist. However, to make it easier for your body to do it, you should dress in class. Mayo Medical Center recommends a 3-layer dress solution: a light, transparent lining can absorb moisture from your body, then a layer of wool or wool to insulate and the outer layer is a 'breathable' , water proof'.

Picture 4 of The 77-year-old still takes off to exercise in the middle of the ice

It is also important to protect your feet, hands and ears, as blood circulates to the center and leaves your limbs during exercise. This will be helpful, because exercising in cold weather can make you feel warm, but it also puts you at risk of frostbite, according to Schwecherl expert.

Avoid practicing sports in the rain, snow or big wind.'The body has difficulty controlling temperature in wet conditions. Water absorbs heat from the body 25 times faster than air because of its higher density and heat capacity. Strong winds can also be dangerous because they push air and moisture through your clothes and deprive you of the warm air around your body , 'quoted Mrs. Schwecherl's recommendation.

Providing enough water for the body in cold weather is just as important as in hot weather. Mayo Medical Center advises: 'Drink water or sports drinks before, during and after exercise, even if you don't really feel thirsty. You can become dehydrated during the cold weather like in hot weather due to sweating, breathing and increased urine production. But this can be more difficult to detect in cold conditions. '

All these notes are just the beginning. Make sure you consult your doctor about how to exercise sports when it's cold, especially if you have heart disease or asthma.