Announcing the Order of the President on IT Law

On the morning of July 21, at the President's Office, the announcement ceremony of the Presidential Order No. 09/2006 / L-CTN on the Law on Information Technology was held.

On the morning of July 21, at the President's Office, the announcement ceremony of the Presidential Order No. 09/2006 / L-CTN on the Law on Information Technology was held.

Minister of Posts and Telematics Do Trung Ta, Deputy Minister of Post and Telematics Tran Duc Lai attended the ceremony. The Law on Information Technology is chaired by the Ministry of Post and Telematics with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Government Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Planning and Investment. .

Picture 1 of Announcing the Order of the President on IT Law

Announcement of IT Law witnessed by representatives of functional ministries and branches.

IT Law consists of 6 chapters, 79 articles. In order for the Law on Information Technology to be implemented in practice, the Ministry of Post and Telematics is cooperating with relevant ministries and branches to build a system of necessary legal documents detailing the implementation of the Information Technology Law, include:

- Decree detailing a number of articles of the Information Technology Law on information technology industry;

- Decree on information technology application in state agencies' activities;

- Decree on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of information technology;

- Investment management regulations in line with information technology application projects using investment capital originating from the state budget;

- Other legal documents guiding the implementation of information technology law promulgated by the Prime Minister and ministries according to their competence.

Hoang Hung

Update 12 December 2018



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