Crossing the line 3D makes the driver 'panic' brake

The 3D lines make the drivers confused about what appears on the road and slow down.

Iceland has become the newest country to join the impressive 3D line-up that will have to slow down before each intersection.

Picture 1 of Crossing the line 3D makes the driver 'panic' brake

Crossing the 3D line causes a special "hallucination".

Picture 2 of Crossing the line 3D makes the driver 'panic' brake

This line has been used in India.

The 3D lines make the drivers confused about what appears on the road and slow down. This facilitates pedestrians crossing the road more safely.

This 3D line was tested in New Delhi (India) in 2016 and is now available in other countries such as South Africa, China and Kyrgyzstan.

This idea kicked off in Iceland in September, and the company that created the 3D lines took weeks to get the police 'nod to realize them on the road (video below).

Update 12 December 2018



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