Deep Nyxem.e 'massacre' data periodically

F-Secure said that the Nyxem.e worm contains dangerous code that instructs it to replace data in files such as '. DOC, .XML, .MDB, .MDE, .PPT,' .PPS, .ZIP, .RAR, .PDF, .PSD or .DMP 'with a character string' DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] '.

Picture 1 of Deep Nyxem.e 'massacre' data periodically
Over the weekend, security firm F-Secure warned users about the spread of a new computer worm called Nyxem.e with the ability to destroy data information in a number of universal file formats. Current transformer.

The Finnish-based security firm said the Nyxem.e worm contains dangerous code that instructs it to replace data in files like '.DOC, .XML, .MDB, .MDE , .PPT, .PPS, .ZIP, .RAR, .PDF, .PSD or .DMP 'with a character string' DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] '.

But this replacement is even more dangerous when it is carried out properly on the 3rd day of each month.

Thus we can see this virus affects a variety of popular applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Adobe PhotoShop and Acrobat.

The Nyxem.e worm is quite similar to the recently discovered worm - a worm that only 24 hours after it appeared has climbed to number 3 on the chart. Class of dangerous viruses. According to F-Secure, the new worm now accounts for 7% of all virus messages sent to the company.

F-Secure had to decide to raise the alert level for Nyxem.e worm to '2' level - This is the first time this security firm has used such high alert levels since Windows Metafile security error. was discovered at the end of last year.

Update 12 December 2018



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