Detecting protein helps treat obesity

Recently, some Swedish researchers from Karolinska Academy have discovered a protein capable of stimulating the formation of fat cells. Based on the results of this study, the scientific community has found a way to find treatments for obesity - a disease that is growing not only in the US but worldwide.

This protein is called TRAP (tartrate- Resistant acid phosphatase). TRAP is likely to 'stimulate the formation of fat cells and thus promote the development of obesity.' Scientists say the study is based on cell culture and experiments in mice. Results showed that obese patients often have TRAP protein residues.

Picture 1 of Detecting protein helps treat obesity According to Professor Goeran Anderson, who directs the study: "This finding could help find new treatments for obesity based on limiting their effects." He also told the AFP reporter that the study has lasted for four years based on results from 14 obese women.

The results of the study are published in the online magazine Public Library of Science on March 5.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is a condition of excessive and abnormal fat accumulation in one body area or the whole body to the extent that it affects health. Obesity is a health condition with nutritional causes. Usually an adult is healthy, proper nutrition, their weight fluctuates within certain limits. Currently, WHO often uses body mass index (BMI = H / W2; in which: BMI - indicating body mass; H- Height; W- Weight) to determine fatness of the human body. Normal BMI should be at the limit of 20-25, over 25 are overweight and over 30 are obese. It is an index for Europeans and Americans. For Asians, normal BMI is limited to 18.5-23.

Bui Thanh (synthesized from AFP, Wikipedia)