Earth is threatened by new ice age?

Scientists predict that the sun's activity will decrease in the next 10 years. Therefore, whether to repeat the

Scientists predict that the sun's activity will decrease in the next 10 years. Therefore, is there any repeat of the "ice age" that happened in the seventeenth century?

According to astrophysicists, the frequency of sunspots appearing in the sun in the coming years will be less. The cycle of creating black spots affects the Earth's temperature of 11 years. However, scientists from the US National Astronomical Observatory said that the next cycle will be slowed down, may not even happen. They asserted that the forecasts are the most optimistic, the new cycle starts in 2020-2021.

Picture 1 of Earth is threatened by new ice age?

Changing the Sun's activities will lead to a glacial period on Earth.

The change in the Sun's activities, according to them, could lead to a "glacial" period similar to the period spanning 70 years between 1645 and 1715 of the previous centuries. During that time, the River Thames flowed through London, the ice was 3 meters thick and the carriage could run straight from the Whitehall Bridge to London Bridge.

Some researchers believe that because the Sun is down, the average Earth's temperature will drop by 0.5 degrees Celsius, but most people still think that alertness is too early. Previous glacial period, only northwestern Europe decreased by 4 degrees, while other regions also reduced by only half a degree.

Another problem occurs at the same time and is even more concerned that global warming is taking place. So, the phenomenon of cold travel has a positive meaning that the temperature of the Earth has not changed too clearly.

Meteorologist Frank Hill said: 'If things happen like that, we can predict that in the coming years, the Earth's temperature will drop by less than 1 degree, while emissions of greenhouse gases Making our planet rise to 1.5-4.5 degrees by 2100. It can be argued 'naively' that the reduction in the Sun's activities somewhat helps us. '

But the experts still remind, do not forget that the phenomenon of reduced solar activity is only a temporary thing, not just keep going on.

Update 16 December 2018



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