Every night, 7 hours of sleep is ideal

According to a recent scientific study, to keep the mind clear, people need to sleep 7 hours a night, not to sleep more or less.

Picture 1 of Every night, 7 hours of sleep is ideal

In Nurses' Health's study by scientist Elizabeth Devore at Brigham Hospital in Boston (USA), using data of 15,000 women every night to sleep for 5 hours and less shows that the index of intelligence is lower than Standard, lower than those who sleep 7 hours every night.

Women who slept 9 hours or more also showed a lower index of lucidity than those who slept 7 hours a night.

Since then, Dr. Elizabeth Devore, PhD, has concluded about the relationship between sleep time and lucidity in middle age and old age. Every night under 7 hours of sleep increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

In a recent sleep seminar in Boston, researchers at the University of California Berkeley also presented the paper: conducting an MRI scan with participants in the trial showed that insomnia is causing people. loss of sanity, poor eating. Insomnia weakens the anterior brain lobe - which controls behavior and carries out complex actions, including eating.