Greedy squid led to horrific death on the sea floor 200 million years ago

The 200 million-year-old fossil preserved a violent attack between a squid and a fish in the deep sea.

The 200 million-year-old fossil preserved a violent attack between a squid and a fish in the deep sea. Fossils are found off the coast of Dorset County, Devon, eastern England.

In fossils, the squid's tentacles are surrounding and crushing the entire prey's skull.

Picture 1 of Greedy squid led to horrific death on the sea floor 200 million years ago

200 million year old fossils are found in England. (Photo: Fox News).

Malcolm Hart, a professor at the University of Plymouth in England and the lead author of the study, called the attack terrible.

"The head was bitten through, the sharp fish bone was crushed and cracked literally. The squid attacked the fish violently, causing the bone in the fish's head to be broken," Mr. Hart said.

The squid in fossil was identified as an extinct squid species called belemnoid , there are up to 10 tentacles around him. While the victim is a herring.

Scientists set out two assumptions for the catastrophic attack that killed both prey and the attacked.

One is that the squid ate the prey so large that both of them died. The second is the squid that brings the fish to the bottom of the sea to avoid other predators that cause it to lack oxygen and suffocate.

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Update 13 May 2020



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