Harmful effect when drinking artificial human water wrong way

Many people believe that artificial water is very good in cooling, cooling the liver so on hot days often use this water instead of filtered water to refresh.

However, according to experts' recommendations, although the ceiling is a good medicine to treat liver-related diseases, it is not used in any case to bring benefits to the body. Improper drinking of the ceiling may cause incalculable consequences.

Picture 1 of Harmful effect when drinking artificial human water wrong way
The ceiling is a good medicine to treat liver-related diseases.

Drinking too much causes anorexia

The phenomenon of anorexia after drinking a lot of human-made ceilings is due to the ceiling effect of bile secretion and spasm of the gallbladder to push bile from the liver to the intestine, which can cause full contraction of the smooth muscle of the digestive tract. This is the reason many people suffer from flatulence, bloating after a long time of drinking artificially, thus leading to fatigue, loss of appetite .

Pregnant women lose milk, have malnutrition and die

For pregnant women, if there is no liver disease, it is not recommended to use the ceiling , because drinking more will produce glands in the body, making it easier for the mother to lose milk completely or have milk but very little. In addition, due to diuretic ceiling, so much water is released, if the amount of water and nutrients is eliminated regularly, there will be no nutrients to feed the fetus, causing the fetus to be malnourished and even die. save.

Picture 2 of Harmful effect when drinking artificial human water wrong way
It is not necessary to use the bare core in any case to bring benefits to the body.

The "deadly" combination between the ceiling and licorice

The ceiling is inherently bitter, so it is easy to drink, many families or sidewalk water to increase the sweetness associated with licorice. However, very few people know that licorice has a water-holding property, while the ceiling helps to eliminate , two conflicting medicines used together will not benefit the body.