Healing with cabbage juice

According to Oriental medicine, sweet cabbage, welding, non-toxic, works with blood, blood, diuretic, barley, heat, except for low paralysis, detoxification, birth, only thirst, cool stomach, tonic spleen. Persons with constipation, little urine, do not eat raw cabbage or sauerkraut

According to Oriental medicine, sweet cabbage, welding, non-toxic, works with blood, blood, diuretic, barley, heat, except for low paralysis, detoxification, birth, only thirst, cool stomach, tonic spleen. Persons with constipation, little urination, do not eat raw cabbage or pickled cabbage that must be cooked.

Cabbage is also called cabbage. Scientific name Bras-sica oleracea L.var.capitala L. Chemical composition in 100g contains: lipid 0.8g, 1.7g fiber, non-protein derivative 4.9g, total mineral 2.4g.

Nutritionally, in 100g cabbage provides for the body 50 calories, most mineral salts are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. The amount of vitamin C in cabbage is only lost to tomatoes, but 4.5 times more than carrots, 3.6 times more than potatoes and onions.

In cabbage, vitamin C is combined with vitamin P into a PC complex and vitamin C is protected by vitamin P from oxidation to give higher bioavailability than vitamin C.

Picture 1 of Healing with cabbage juice
Eating cabbage regularly helps less gastrointestinal cancer (Photo: TTO) Cabbage is used as a medicine from ancient times in Europe. People have called it 'the medicine of the poor' . Here are some effects of cabbage healing.

For peptic ulcer disease: cabbage juice helps quickly heal sores, scarring, especially gastric, intestinal ulcers, mouth sores. Usage: Early in the morning and before going to bed, drink 1/2 cup of pressed cabbage juice.

Since the 40s, American physicians have recognized the effects of curing the stomach ulcers of cabbage and then tested in practice. The results showed that most people with duodenal ulcer have taken 1/2 liter of cabbage juice every day for 3 weeks.

Through endoscopy, Indian experts have demonstrated the formation of a mucous layer that has two functions that both protect and regenerate the gastric mucosa under the action of cabbage. In addition, they have identified an active ingredient that protects the stomach lining. This active ingredient is only found in fresh cabbage and high content when fresh and harvested in spring or summer, almost ineffective in the winter .

According to folk experience, the effect of cabbage juice will be multiplied if used in conjunction with celery juice. In the people often salted sauerkraut with vegetables is also a good experience.

The effect of cabbage on cancer: Some studies at New York University show that eating cabbage regularly helps with less gastrointestinal cancer.

All types of cabbage have anti-cancer effects, but the most obvious is identified as cabbage. If eating once a week, cabbage is reduced by 70% of the probability of bowel cancer. If every 2 weeks will be reduced by 40%.

Research on anti-cancer effects of cabbage by GS. Wattemberg at the University of Minnesota also found: Extracted from cabbage is an active ingredient of indole. Experiments on animals show that this substance reduces the rate of breast cancer to only 1.5 compared to the control group. Very low doses can also protect 1/2 compared to laboratory animals.

Update 14 December 2018



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