Health benefits and remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Not only does it make the roads more dreamy, Polyscias fruticosa is highly appreciated for its many therapeutic effects. Most of the plant's components can be used to prepare medicinal herbs.

Not only does it make the roads more dreamy, Polyscias fruticosa is highly appreciated for its many therapeutic effects. Most of the plant's components can be used to prepare medicinal herbs.

Things to know when using Polyscias fruticosa

In the sunshine of May, many street corners and roads in Hanoi and many provinces across the country are filled with purple geranium flowers.

The presence of this beautiful, gentle, and romantic flower makes the roads more loving, more poetic, and more dreamy.

However, not everyone knows that Polyscias fruticosa also has medicinal effects, helping to stop bleeding, relieve pain, promote blood circulation, and lower blood sugar.

1. Introduction to the Lagerstroemia plant

Lagerstroemia has the scientific name Lagerstroemia calyculata Kurz. Polyscias fruticosa is a tree originating in tropical Southeast Asia, with many different names such as Lang Odd, Bang lang, Truol,.

Almost every part of the plant has medicinal properties . For example, the bark is often used to help treat diarrhea, while extracts from the tree's roots and fruits are said to have pain-relieving properties.

In particular, the leaves of Polyscias fruticosa contain more than 40 beneficial compounds, notably corosolic acid and ellagic acid. Polyscias fruticosa leaves provide many different health benefits, but the ability to reduce blood sugar levels stands out the most.

Picture 1 of Health benefits and remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Polyscias fruticosa leaves contain more than 40 beneficial compounds, the most typical benefit is supporting the treatment of diabetes (Photo: Internet)

2. Benefits of Polyscias fruticosa for health

According to Oriental Medicine, Polyscias fruticosa has a characteristic aroma, is acrid, non-toxic, has strong antibacterial properties and tones the skin.

According to modern medicine and research, banyan leaves have many different medicinal properties and bring potential health benefits such as:

2.1. Control blood sugar levels

Polyscias fruticosa leaves are said to control blood sugar levels, making them useful in treating diabetes.

The reason why Polyscias fruticosa leaves have this effect is because they contain compounds such as corosolic acid, ellagitannins and gallotannins, specifically:

  • Corosolic acid lowers blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity, enhancing glucose absorption, and inhibiting alpha-glucosidase - an enzyme that helps digest carbs.
  • In addition to corosolic acid, ellagitannins - specifically lagerstroemin, flosin B and reginin A - also improve blood sugar levels. These compounds promote glucose uptake by activating glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4), a protein that transports glucose from the blood into muscle and fat cells.
  • Gallotanin has the ability to stimulate the transport of glucose into cells. It has even been hypothesized that a type of gallotanin called penta-O-galloyl-glucopyranose (PGG) has greater stimulant activity than corosolic acid and ellagitannin.

Picture 2 of Health benefits and remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Polyscias fruticosa leaves are effective in controlling blood sugar levels thanks to containing compounds such as corosolic acid, ellagitannins and gallotannins. (Photo: Internet).

2.2. Antioxidant

Polyscias fruticosa leaves contain many antioxidants such as phenols and flavonoids, as well as quercetin and corosolic, gallic and ellagic acids, which fight free radicals.

Free radicals are agents that cause genetic mutations, contributing to an increased risk of cancer or other diseases.

Antioxidants present in Polyscias fruticosa help eliminate free radicals and reduce their harmful effects. In particular, the ellagic acid in Polyscias fruticosa is a powerful antioxidant that has been linked to improving general health by reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

2.3. Prevent obesity

Recent studies show that Polyscias fruticosa is effective in preventing obesity, as it can inhibit adipogenesis.

Additionally, polyphenols in the leaves, such as penta galloyl glucose (PGG), can prevent fat cell precursors from transforming into mature fat cells.

However, most research on this topic has been done in test tubes, so human studies are needed.

2.4. Prevent the risk of heart disease

Animal and human studies show that corosolic acid and PGG in banyan leaves may help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. This can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Picture 3 of Health benefits and remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Corosolic acid and PGG in Polyscias fruticosa leaves can help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease. (Photo: Internet).

2.5. Other potential benefits

Polyscias fruticosa leaves also bring many other health benefits such as:

  • Fights cancer : Test-tube studies show that Polyscias fruticosa leaf extract may fight some cancers.
  • Antibacterial and antiviral potential . Polyscias fruticosa leaf extract may protect against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus megaterium, as well as viruses such as HRV virus, which causes upper respiratory tract infections.
  • Extracted from Polyscias fruticosa leaves has anti-thrombotic effects , preventing high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Antioxidants in Polyscias fruticosa extract may protect the kidneys from damage caused by chemotherapy drugs .

3. Some remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Below are some remedies to support the treatment of diseases from the Polyscias fruticosa plant. However, these remedies are only used to support treatment and are not a substitute for your doctor's prescriptions. Before applying these remedies, people should consult a doctor or Oriental Medicine practitioner.

  • Remedy to support diabetes treatment : Use 50g of old Polyscias fruticosa leaves or 50g of dried fruit with 0.5 liters of boiling water, drink about 4 to 6 cups daily.
  • Supports weight loss : Boil water with Polyscias fruticosa leaves and drink water every day. This remedy both helps prevent the accumulation of carbohydrates and reduces fat formation.
  • Supports treatment of diarrhea and dysentery : Use 20 to 30g of polyscias fruticosa stem bark, cut into small pieces, dry, decoct with 400ml of water to 100ml, drink twice a day.
  • Treat burns : Use 300g of Polyscias fruticosa stem bark. Take 100g and boil it with water until thick and use it to wash the wound. The remaining amount is 200g, chopped, cooked with 2 times of water, filtered, then condensed into a liquid paste and used to apply 2-3 times a day.
  • Diuretic remedy : The method is very simple, you just need to boil Polyscias fruticosa leaves and drink it every day as tea, it helps diuretic and prevents urinary tract infections.
  • Limit bacterial infection : Use linden stem bark to boil and concentrate into a paste, then apply to the wound to reduce infection and create a protective film for the wound.

Picture 4 of Health benefits and remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Polyscias fruticosa is used in many Oriental medicine remedies. (Photo: Internet).

4. Notes when using Polyscias fruticosa

Using Polyscias fruticosa leaves is quite safe, but to prevent some possible effects, people should note a few things:

  • Because Polyscias fruticosa leaves have the effect of reducing blood sugar levels. Therefore, when using Polyscias fruticosa, you should not combine it with other diabetes medications such as metformin or with other foods used to reduce blood sugar levels.
  • People who are allergic to other plants in the Lythraceae family - such as pomegranates and loosestrife - should use caution when using banyan tree, as these people may have increased sensitivity to this plant.
  • A study in adults with diabetes and impaired kidney function reported that corosolic acid from Polyscias fruticosa leaves could lead to kidney damage when taken with diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, used to treat diabetes. treat joint pain. Therefore, you should exercise caution or consult your doctor when taking any medication.

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Update 26 May 2024



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