Help you protect your eyes with advice from experts

Eye protection and vision are very important, but do you know how? Protect your eyes with the latest advice from experts.

Nutrition experts recommend: Eating to improve eyesight

According to Elizabeth Somer, dietitian, Eat Your Way to Sexy author, you should eat the following foods to be good for your eyesight and eye protection.

- Foods containing vitamin C: This antioxidant helps protect the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Add at least 200mg of vitamin C daily by eating lots of vitamin C-rich fruits, including broccoli, strawberries, and citrus fruits.

- Foods rich in omega-3: Studies of omega-3 fats show that omega-3 in salmon and tuna can reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Add salmon and tuna to your menu twice a week or fish oil supplement containing DHA. Omega-3 has the greatest impact on your eyesight.

- Foods high in zinc: Some studies have found that zinc deficiency will cause your vision loss at night, cataracts and macular degeneration. Red lean meat, chicken and other types of singing are plentiful sources of zinc. Try to add at least 8mg of zinc each day.

Picture 1 of Help you protect your eyes with advice from experts

Opticians recommend: Wear sunglasses

Monica, spokesman for the Academy of Ophthalmology, said: Over time, sun exposure may increase the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration. This is the leading cause of blindness.

So to protect your eyes, wear sunglasses. If you wear contact lenses, find out if your glasses have UV protection integrated. Remember, an expensive pair of glasses is not always good, it is important to find a lens that protects 99% against UVA and UVB rays.

The optometrist advises: Let your eyes rest

Glenda Secor, a spokesman for the American Academy of Vision, said: "Even if your eyesight is healthy, at some point in your life, you may be farsighted and need glasses to read." Although you cannot prevent this condition (about 40 years old, the lens starts to fade away), you can prevent the associated headaches.

Buy a pair of glasses with proper specifications from pharmacies if you have trouble reading books and newspapers. You should also go to an eye exam to get a prescription for eye medicine in case of necessity.

Take a break after reading the newspaper, read the story on the phone, use your computer, tablet, or watch TV for a certain period of time. You should look away for about 20 minutes or longer, and focus on looking at something else in the room. This makes you blink more and reduce eye strain.

Ask your doctor if you plan to use contact lenses. There are many types of contact lenses depending on the condition of the affected eye or farsightedness, so you should consider choosing the type that best suits you.