How to 'psychological massage' helps you relieve stress within 5 minutes

Just apply the tips below, your stress will dissipate immediately.

Just apply the tips below, your stress will dissipate immediately.

>>> How doesstress harm human body?

Perhaps one of us once felt overwhelmed, stressed about work, emotion or problems in life. This is also the reason why you are always in a melancholy state, unable to concentrate on working with high productivity and efficiency.

The tips below are summarized by the law doctor, Paula Davis-Laack's application psychology master will help you " stress out " stress within 5 minutes.

The following ways will help you get rid of stress quickly:

1. Change password

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Do you notice, every day when we go to mail, Facebook . need to login and type in the password? So why don't you replace ordinary passwords into a slogan, a guide that directs you to a more positive way of thinking?

It could be "Smile", "Give up smoking", "Life is always beautiful". . Repeating a slogan or reminder will help you gain more motivation and create a habit of thinking in a better way.

2. Hugging someone

We know that a hug sometimes makes you feel like you're being shared, helping to ease your sadness. And hugging is an action that can make stress extremely effective.

Picture 2 of How to 'psychological massage' helps you relieve stress within 5 minutes

When embracing others, your body will produce oxytocin - a hormone that helps to increase outward, friendly actions, create relaxation, trust and promote compassion.

Dr. Paul Zak affirmed that each person should embrace 8 times a day to build sustainable relationships. If you feel uncomfortable when hugging colleagues, hug your friends and family.

3. Take care of pets

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The powerful effects of pets in dealing with stress have long been recognized. Every time you collapse, you seem to be in a sad state, always afraid, avoiding everything around you.

However, research by scientists has shown, to relieve stress - take the time to play with your pet. When playing with puppies or kittens, levels of hormones Serotonin and Dopamine - a type of neurotransmitter that works to create a sense of calm, relaxation will increase, thereby helping you feel happy. than.

4. Breathing exercises 4-7-8

We know that meditation is a very effective way to relieve stress, but not everyone has the right time and meditation. Therefore, you can apply the breathing exercise below to get the same effect as meditating.

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If you feel distracted or distracted at work, sit on a chair or on the floor, straighten your back and count in the first 1-8. Breathe deeply in the first 4 beats, hold your breath from beat 4 to beat 7 and exhale at rhythm 8.

You continue this breathing exercise for 5 minutes. The first time you practice, your breath is quite chaotic because it doesn't work properly, but after a few times you will master. This method will help you regain composure to solve the problem.

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Research on MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging) also confirms that meditation or daily breathing practice will significantly increase intelligence, longer memory, and stimulate the development of some parts of the cortex.

5. Smiling

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How many times have you felt you were sad and depressed when you saw the scowling, uncomfortable faces. Remember, emotions are easy to spread. So, whether you're angry, upset about your work or going through a difficult time - try to smile.

Because, the smile not only makes things easier, but also helps you feel better and makes those who are opposite easy to share and sympathize with you.

6. Write a journal

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Negative thoughts, negative emotions are pent up during the day, making your performance worse. Frustrated with friends, worried about not completing the job deadline, or frustrated when being denied promotion - these feelings need you to face and deal with soon.

Thinking about the worst scenarios will not go away on your own if you do not actively remove it from your head. One of the ways to 'get it out of the head' is to write it all down, read it again and you will start to see the problem with a different perspective, another attitude. So write down unpleasant things and you'll see, it's not too big to make you sad.

7. Play an intellectual game

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Our brains tend to detect, search and remember negative information and events. If you are experiencing a stressful day, your brain will chew on the events that happened that day even when the stress has passed.

If you need to temporarily forget those things, such as wanting to shift your focus to another task that needs to be completed, play an intellectual game.

This activity is very interesting, not too difficult but still eliminates the elements that distract concentration. You can play countdowns from 1,000 but the following numbers are inferior to 7 units, read fun songs, or put sentences that all words start with a letter.

Update 18 December 2018



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