How to use air conditioning, electric fans to avoid getting sick?

Leaving the fan directly on the body causes the body to lose water and heat, being cold and susceptible to disease. Someone is very hot, sweating like a bath, suddenly turning on a big fan, easily leading to infection. If sleep still to fan will get the flu. Medicine has recorded cases of sudden death due to lying fans.

Picture 1 of How to use air conditioning, electric fans to avoid getting sick?

(Photo: hitachi-hk)

Some parents said that after using both steam fans and electric fans to prevent heat, they were sick. Go to the doctor and tell him that he has a sore throat and has been beaten. And in hospitals these days the number of children suffering from respiratory infections increases rapidly, many of which start from air conditioning, electric fans.

According to Dr. Quang Binh, Vietnam - Cuba Hospital, Hanoi, hot sunny days people often regulate from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius, but according to health experts, the above work is not as effective as desires but also facilitate the growth of bacteria and viruses. Unusually hot and cold air also makes the body unable to adapt properly, making it vulnerable to flu in hot days. Many homes have a habit of placing electric fans in young and unmodified directions for a long time, causing sweat to evaporate very quickly, the skin temperature is significantly reduced, while the skin has no wind, slow evaporation of sweat, heat The level of skin is relatively high, the skin vessels are enlarged . causing blood circulation and sweating to lose balance, headaches, dizziness, and body irritation . More severe than being hit by the wind , shoulder and neck syndrome, need a doctor to treat.

How to use air conditioner, electric fan?

According to doctors, electric fans should only be used to change the air flow in the room to reduce heat. When lying on the fan, it should be located in the same direction as the fan, facing the door. Should not turn on high numbers, only let the wind speed in the range of 0.2-0.5 meters / second, not more than 3 meters / sec. Airy rooms should only open a small number of fans for light winds. It is also not advisable to let fans blow straight into people so that the wind blows to the other side to avoid cold wind from entering the body , especially those who are debilitating or sweating profusely. It is best to use a reversing fan. Elderly people, weak people and children should use less electric fans. When sweating a lot, do not turn on the fan right away because the blood vessels outside the body are expanding, if the sudden wind will shrink, it will stop the sweating, causing an imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation in the body, excess heat is not dispersed out . On the other hand, when the cool wind blows, the local defense function decreases, the virus and bacteria invade can cause respiratory infections. , joint pain, even diarrhea in the stomach.

With air conditioning, the indoor and outdoor temperature difference is 8-10 degrees Celsius, which is suitable for the adaptation of the human body. In the hot season, the air conditioner should be kept at 26 degrees Celsius as the body avoids the summer diseases such as stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, dizziness . the body must not be hot or cold, and not be stunned from the cold room to the outside. Do not sit in the cold room for more than 2 hours at a time. Should drink plenty of water to prevent dry throat, apply moisturizing cream to prevent dry skin. In the room should put a basin of water, the ability to wet the floor. Whenever coming out of the cold room, open the door and stand at the door for 2-3 minutes to allow the body to adapt to the new atmosphere.

However, doctors still recommend that air conditioners are not good for respiratory patients, especially asthma patients, so use natural air, open the room to ventilate in and out. exchange room. Air conditioner should be cleaned once a month or replace the filter once a month, otherwise the indoor unit will be the source of spreading pathogens into the house.