Implants contain curative anti-cancer curry

Many previous studies have shown that curry is not only spice but also anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and especially anti-cancer thanks to curcumin - a curry yellow characteristic.

Many previous studies have shown that curry is not only spice but also anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and especially anti-cancer thanks to curcumin - a curry yellow characteristic.

However, some experts believe that the intake of this substance by eating a lot of curry is not effective because most spices are destroyed by the stomach. Therefore, scientists at the University of Louisville (USA), in a breakthrough study, developed a new way of introducing curry extracts into the body to slow cell growth. cancer.

Picture 1 of Implants contain curative anti-cancer curry

According to a report published in the journal Science Cancer Prevention Research, the team has created a 2mm-shaped tablet-shaped device containing 200 milligrams of curry powder. They conducted experiments on two groups of cancer mice, in which each mouse in group 1 was implanted with 2 devices containing curry powder while the other group applied this spicy diet.

After four months of follow-up, they found that the diet with curry was not effective, but in mice using capsules containing curcumin , their tumors were shrinking by about 1/3 and Disease cells do not multiply. Experts believe that curcumin inhibits the effects of hormones that nourish the growth of cancer cells.

The team is now investigating how to get enough curcumin into the blood stream to treat cancer effectively, while other groups are investigating whether injecting curcumin directly into tumors can help cancer patients. Whether or not a breast cancer is coming from the disease.

The British Cancer Research Association is also sponsoring an experiment to see if curcumin has increased chemotherapy efficacy in bowel cancer patients. The results of these tests will be announced next year.

Update 14 December 2018



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