Insomnia is causing billions of dollars in damage

Workers and workers suffer from sleep disorder, not only harming their own health and causing financial losses to the society every year 2 billion USD.

Scientists claim that workers and workers suffer from sleep disorders, not only reducing their health but also causing financial losses directly to employers and the state. Such losses include reduced productivity and work efficiency, the cost of treating insomnia as well as the cost of accident compensation caused by sleepy drivers.

Picture 1 of Insomnia is causing billions of dollars in damage
Insomnia is not only harmful to your health but also causes harm to society.

Just to cope with insomnia, in the US alone, it costs US $ 60 billion a year, according to a study by a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Robert Stickgold. Most insomnia is mental workers, entrepreneurs and people working in the financial sector. The result is low ability to work, lack of concentration, slow thinking and depression.

Insomnia is very harmful to health. Sleeping less than 5 hours a night increases the risk of diabetes by twice, the risk of heart disease increases by half, the risk of obesity is three times and the risk of death from other causes is 12%.

Medical experts have demonstrated that, in addition to the above mentioned diseases, lack of sleep also leads to cancer, hormonal imbalance, high blood pressure, abnormal working heart, decreased vision, reduced immunity, and easy irritation and symptoms of mental illness . "People who sleep not enough, sooner or later will become a fat person, always complaining about illness and silly," Stickgold said.

Insomnia will accompany sleepiness. Sleepiness is a direct cause of injury or death. According to US insurance companies, the cost of compensating injuries for sleepy people when traveling on the road has reached 25 million USD. The French police released a number of 1/10 traffic accidents caused by sleepy drivers.

According to scientists, a person who does not sleep for 21 hours, work efficiency is like a drunken person. Experts claim to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, sleeping no later than 10 pm. However, the need to sleep each other depends on the psychological and physical condition.