Lobster grows again in a month

The lobster raised in England grows again in just one month, a record period compared to the normal process.

The lobster raised in England grows again in just one month, a record period compared to the normal process.

Picture 1 of Lobster grows again in a month

When newly introduced lobster into the breeding center.(Photo: westernmorningnews.co.uk)

Picture 2 of Lobster grows again in a month

Its legs and legs grow back after a full month.(Photo: westernmorningnews.co.uk)

Clawdia lobster is now raised in a national breeding center in Cornwall, England. Earlier, a fisherman discovered it in 4-legged shortages and two larger.

"Clawdia is a female, carrying eggs and brought here when there are only 4 left and no more," the center spokesman said. It may be injured in a fight with an attacker.

According to Western Morning News, after only one molting in a month, its legs and legs have fully regained. Researcher Carly Daniels said this was an unusual case they had never met before. The shrimp will be released to the natural environment after its new shell is tougher.

The legs and legs of lobster can grow again, but often after many molting and take longer.

Update 17 December 2018



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