Made into a computer with an IQ of 150 - More than 97% of mankind

Researchers from the Department of Philosophy and Languages, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, recently created a computer program with an IQ of 150 to help with language tests.

Researchers from the Department of Philosophy and Languages, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, recently created a computer program with an IQ of 150 to help with language tests.

The first IQ test was introduced in 1905 by Alfred Binet, initially IQ was calculated as the quotient between the intellectual age and the actual age multiplied by 100, but this method quickly revealed defects that should be developed into common calculations according to standard deviations 15, 16, and 24. Standard deviations for tests are also set with a variation of 15 points, so if a person has a standard deviation below the center The average is equivalent to an IQ of 85, above the average IQ is 115. In this way, the results from the methods can be easily compared.

Picture 1 of Made into a computer with an IQ of 150 - More than 97% of mankind

In IQ tests, images or numbers based on cultural and linguistic questions will be used. With complex questions, a number of incomplete images will be given with many options to complete the answer. The question can be a series of numbers with rules like [1,2,3,5 .?], The answer will be 8, the sum of the two numbers preceding it according to the rule . Or a sequence of zero numbers There are rules that require your understanding like [ .?] with the answer of 2, the next number in the sequence of digits e.

The new computer program can create a full range of questions as well as a variety of complexity, model-based design of certain psychological characteristics of people as well as model algorithms ' We trying to design a program that can discover things similar to what we see, ' said researcher Claes Strannegard. Human thoughts are dominated by psychological factors that lead to non-optimal choices when solving problems such as a simple form '1,2 .?' Most people will think of 3 but it could be 1,2,1 or double 1,2,4.

Picture 2 of Made into a computer with an IQ of 150 - More than 97% of mankind

The new program is superior to conventional math programs because it combines both math and psychology, a new method that can be applied to identify any form and data with a psychological component. , including financial data. In addition, researchers will develop additional IQ tests to help research can proceed smoothly to best reflect the ability of people.

Update 13 December 2018



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