Maximize the use of fish oil tablets

In addition to preventing wrinkles, omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils are very effective in reducing swelling and relieving pain in people with arthritis, back pain ...

In addition to preventing wrinkles, omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils are very effective in reducing swelling and relieving pain in people with arthritis, back pain, helping to reduce the risk of blood clots . However, even though it is tonic, it cannot be used arbitrarily.

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is an oil derived from the tissues of oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna . Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and acid Docosahexaenoic (DHA) has many health benefits.

Picture 1 of Maximize the use of fish oil tablets

Effect of fish oil

20 benefits of fish oil for health:

1. Cardiovascular disease

Fish oil helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Fish oil not only helps reduce triglyceride, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis but also prevents arrhythmias.

2. Prevent cancer

Fish oil has been shown to be effective against three common types of cancer: breast, colon and prostate cancers. Omega 3 helps nourish normal healthy cells without mutation into cancerous masses and prevent useless cell growth.

3. Balance cholesterol levels

Fish oil has a superior effect to balance cholesterol levels. The presence of EPA and DPA acids in most high quality supplemental fish oil preparations helps to balance cholesterol.

4. Support weight loss

Eating fish can help treat high blood pressure and obesity. A study in Australia showed that a weight-loss diet would be very effective if fish were often available.

5. Treatment of arthritis

Fish oil has the effect of treating arthritis. Long-term use of fish oil will be very effective in reducing and preventing joint pain.

6. Health eyes

Omega 3 helps protect eyes from macular degeneration and reduces the risk of dry eye syndrome.

7. Psychosis

Fish oil helps reduce the risk of Alzehimer disease, dementia and schizophrenia.

8. Health of hair and skin

Omega 3 helps keep moisture in skin cells, produces collagen, restricts wrinkles and keeps you fresh. Protein content in fish oil helps hair grow and maintain healthy, smooth hair.

9. High blood pressure

Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties, helps lower blood pressure. Therefore, blood pumped quickly throughout the body helps relieve pressure on the heart.

10. Asthma

Fish oil helps effectively treat respiratory diseases like asthma. Fish oil helps reduce asthma attacks and makes breathing easier.

11. AIDS

A study conducted by Lexington Nutrition Science Program demonstrated that fish oil supports AIDS treatment and reduces triglyceride levels.

12. Nails

Fish oil is used in the beauty process because the absorption of fish oil helps improve the surface and nail quality.

13. Strong bones

Omega 3 in fish oil helps maintain the balance of minerals in the surrounding bone and tissue.

14. Depression

People with depression have lower EPA levels, so fish oil is good for depressed patients.

15. Good for pregnancy

Fish oil is great for pregnant women because DHA in fish oil supports the development of fetal eyes and brain.

16. Anti-inflammation

Fish are effective at preventing inflammation in the blood and tissues. Fish oil supports the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, short bowel syndrome and chronic infections.

17. Brain and nervous system

Fish oil enhances memory, thinking and concentration. In addition, fish oil enhances blood circulation, affects hormones, the immune system and even brain function.

18. Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

One study found that fish oil can prevent inflammation in fat cells - a process that can cause insulin resistance and eventually lead to type 2 diabetes.

19. Acne

Fish oil is also very effective in treating acne due to its EPA properties - affecting sebum formation in hair follicles.

20. Improving mood

Besides reducing depression, fish oil has been shown to help improve mood swings.

How to use fish oil effectively

When to drink fish oil?

Drinking fish oil is best to drink at the right time . Fish oil is actually a form of tonic that provides vitamin A, E . to the body. The vitamin tablets have two types: water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B group (B1, B2, B5, B6, PP) . can be taken at any time.

In contrast, fish oil is a vitamin, soluble in oil (including 4 vitamins A, D, E, K). They are best absorbed only when there is a suitable solvent. Therefore, you should drink them after a meal, the amount of fat in the body is a convenient solvent to stimulate the absorption of substances from fish oil tablets.

Right dose

When the diet doesn't provide enough vitamin A, you can supplement it directly by drinking fish oil. However, you need to follow the prescribed dose of the doctor, especially those who are prone to allergies, have heart diseases . Fish oil contains a lot of vitamin A, if not absorbed, it will accumulate. in the body and can cause poisoning.

Picture 2 of Maximize the use of fish oil tablets

Who should drink fish oil?

Ordinary people can supplement vitamin A with a diet of fresh fish, especially oil-containing fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna . In addition, can eat more aggressive objects, eggs, milk, yellow-colored tubers such as bananas, papayas, pumpkins ., vegetables such as vegetables, spinach, spinach .

The group of subjects that need to supplement fish oil are: vegetarians, elderly people, pregnant women, nursing mothers, alcoholics . Children are malnourished, slow growing, or young after coughing, diarrhea . babies often cry at night should use fish oil.

People with skin, dry hair, night blinds, people who work with computers, are sleepy, eyestrain, dry eyes, rheumatism, arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases need to supplement with oil fish.

Children over two years of age if necessary can use fish oil. In fish oils rich in DHA as well as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid, fatty acids play an important role in the baby's intellectual and physical development.

Pregnant women when using fish oil need specific instructions from doctors. However, the oral dose should not exceed 5,000 international units (IU) of vitamin A / day. People who have blood problems or are using anticoagulants such as warfarin and heparin should consult their doctor if they want to use them because fish oil can thin the blood. People with fish allergies should be careful when using fish because they can vomit, diarrhea .

Matter make pollution

The main ingredient of fish oil usually consists of two types of omega-3, EPA and DHA. Many types have more vitamin E, antioxidants to help fish oil not foul. In addition, there are also other types of oils such as bourrache oil, onagre oil .

The types of fish used as fish oil are very susceptible to POPs from the environment. They are a byproduct of industrial processing. Therefore, you need to check if the product is made from fish containing high levels of mercury such as king mackerel, swordfish . or not.

When using fish oil, you don't have to diet. Ideally, you should provide vitamins for your body during meals with fresh fish. If you experience bloating, vomiting, diarrhea . you should stop using fish oil and see a doctor immediately.

Update 15 December 2018



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