Men with beards will prevent cancer?

In addition to showing masculinity, men with beards will help protect, moisturize the skin, prevent dirt, even prevent cancer.

In addition to showing masculinity, men with beards will help protect, moisturize the skin, prevent dirt, even prevent cancer.

Preventing cancer: According to experts, long antennae can prevent the effects of UV light on the skin by 95% and reduce the risk of basal cell carcinoma.

Picture 1 of Men with beards will prevent cancer?

The length of the hair and beard has a great influence on the appearance of men.

  • Prevent blemishes and scars: Scars, acne or folliculitis stemming from regular razor use. So skipping facial hair will help keep your skin free of unwanted blemishes.
  • More masculine: Psychological studies show that the length of hair and beard have a great influence on men's appearance. On the other hand, bearded men are more attractive to women.
  • Moisturizing the skin: Leaving the beard causes the essential oils in the body to be released and maintains the oil balance on the face. This prevents dry, chapped and red skin. However, you need to make sure you regularly clean your beard to avoid infections and dandruff formation on the skin.
  • Preventing dirt: Like the hairs in the nose, the beard also acts as a 'filter' that keeps the skin free of dust particles from entering the body and causing disease. This is also the reason why you need to clean, regularly your beard.

The exact reason why bearded men is here

The truth is too harsh for the bearded guy

Update 11 November 2019



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