Mozilla advertising for Firefox Video

The Mozilla Foundation has recently sent requests to all Firefox fans who want to appear in a commercial video to tell about interesting and interesting points about this web browser. Based on this, the Mozilla Foundation intends to start the campaign

Picture 1 of Mozilla advertising for Firefox Video
The Mozilla Foundation has recently sent a request to all Firefox fans who want to appear in a commercial video to talk about interesting and interesting points about this web browser.

Based on this, the Mozilla Foundation intends to start a global advertising campaign for its Firefox browser to increase market share in the current web browser market, which is still Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Mozilla has created a website that allows its fans to upload videos of 30 seconds to tell their excitement about Firefox. This competition will continue with another field, called Firefox Flicks, which will be released in mid-December to target students and professional creators.

Firefox often has strange ways to advertise, but it is a way that users pay attention to. Fans who come to promote on this video can visit here for more details.


Update 12 December 2018



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