Prevention of exhaustion when going out in the hot sun

The hot and hot weather in the summer makes most of us vulnerable to fatigue, exhaustion and heatstroke. To deal with this situation, we need to pay attention to maintaining a reasonable body temperature.

The hot and hot weather in the summer makes most of us vulnerable to fatigue, exhaustion and heatstroke. To deal with this situation, we need to pay attention to maintaining a reasonable body temperature.

Instructions on how to prevent exhaustion when going out in the hot sun

How to prevent

According to experts, exhaustion due to hot sun is the result of reducing blood pressure and blood volume in the body. This condition stems from the loss of body fluids and salts after relaying with hot heat for extended periods.

Picture 1 of Prevention of exhaustion when going out in the hot sun

The best way to prevent this is to avoid direct contact with the sun as much as possible during the hottest part of the day. You can wear a hat, wear sunscreen, apply sunscreen and stay in the shade. And one more important thing is, you must always pay attention to keep your body supplied with adequate water.


Symptoms of heat exhaustion can develop suddenly, including a burning sensation, redness, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, vomiting and a fast heartbeat. Another sign is less urination and urine is darker than usual.

The solution to this situation is quickly moving to a cool place, relaxing and re-supplying the body with water. Remove tight clothing, remove any layers of unnecessary clothing, and remove exhausted people from the hot sun in a well-ventilated place.

Picture 2 of Prevention of exhaustion when going out in the hot sun

If the condition does not improve in 30 minutes, stroke due to hot sun can occur. This is a medical emergency that is very likely to happen to young children, the elderly or those suffering from a chronic disease.

Things need to notice

After going out in the sun or in hot weather, avoid showering too cold because it can trigger heat shock, leading to a sudden drop in heart rate. Cool bathing or using a cool, damp towel, covering your body is an effective and safe way to reduce body heat.

Update 15 December 2018



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