Should the food be thrown away as soon as the fly flies?

Every time a fly came, they could leave footprints, feces and even vomit filled with their pathogens.

Every time a fly came, they could leave footprints, feces and even vomit filled with their pathogens.

It was annoying when the lunch was disturbed by the flies. And just need one to land on your food, immediately, the imaginations of the millions of bacteria and germs that have been infected will appear in your head. The question now is whether you should continue to eat or throw them right away in the trash?

Picture 1 of Should the food be thrown away as soon as the fly flies?

Should the food be thrown away as soon as a fly lands?

Most flies are harmful

Flies are insects belonging to the Diptera set of more than 200,000 species. In Greek, "di" means two and "pteron" means wing. They are insects that have a single pair of wings on the middle chest to fly, a pair of ultra-small wings behind the end of the chest for balance.

Diptera sets play an important role in the environment in activities such as supporting the decomposition, pollination of plants, a food source for predators. Some flies even support forensic activity and some help treat medical wounds.

However, most of us hate flies.The truth is that there are only a handful of useful flies and most bring us great health risks. The best candidate for this position is Musca domestica , also known as the house fly.

Picture 2 of Should the food be thrown away as soon as the fly flies?

The house fly is called "flying trash".

These insects, dubbed the "flying trash", are present everywhere in warm, troublesome days, bringing the risk of disease. For every 10 flies we meet in life, 9 of them are house flies. They proliferate around human habitation and gather in decaying organic waste.

The life cycle of these flies begins with eggs. Eggs hatch maggots and they need organic food to grow into pupae. Nymphs will quickly "grow wings" and become flies a few days later. They flew everywhere causing trouble for almost a month. At the same time reproduce hundreds of new eggs before dying.

From the landfill to the banquet table

When talking about pathogens, flies themselves cannot be a problem. What is more important is where they go and where they will go. Flies not only fly around your kitchen and put on a table to enjoy "fine sago" , they have eccentric "tastes" and spend more time in rotting waste of animals as well as Organic products are discarded. It is a world full of pathogens and parasites.

Picture 3 of Should the food be thrown away as soon as the fly flies?

Flies without teeth, they secrete enzymes on your food and turn it into "soup".

The house flies do not bite, do not suck blood. They transmit pathogens on each of their steps. Flies don't have teeth. And that makes them unable to bite your cake. What's worse is that they release an enzyme to break down food. Enzyme then dissolves any of your food into a "soup" so that the fly can be absorbed into the digestive system.

So, every time the fly arrives, park it around your food for a while and then be chased away, they can leave footprints, feces and even vomit filled with their pathogens.

Should you throw away the pieces?

In most cases, you will not need to throw a piece of cake or any food that is left in the trash. A fly can bring bacteria, viruses and parasites from the trash to your food. However, a single touch is not enough to trigger a chain reaction to cause illness for a healthy average person.

Even so, many flies with their beans parked and wandering around for a long time will make it a problem. The longer the time and the more flies there will significantly increase the pathogens that affect your health.

That is why rural areas, far from the city become the red place of any disease prevention committee. Flies can release gas to develop with a favorable environment of waste and dead carcasses. When they appear more, the risk is higher.

Picture 4 of Should the food be thrown away as soon as the fly flies?

One is not enough, many flies make problems.

In the city, there is no chance for them to grow. However, things are better controlled through hygiene standards, insecticides and a cleaner environment. However, this does not mean you have a subjective right.Always cover up your food. Thoroughly wrap excess organic foods in sealed plastic bags before throwing them in the trash.

You should regularly check the environment around your home as well as the area to deal with agents that are ideal for flies, for example, organic waste or animal corpses. Chemical insecticides may help in these situations.

Update 15 December 2018



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