Smart phones make us work harder

The habit of checking e-mail on smartphones and tablets at home makes our actual working time significantly increase.

The habit of checking e-mail on smartphones and tablets at home makes our actual working time significantly increase.

Pixmania, a technology retailer in the UK, recently conducted a survey on the impact of mobile phones and tablets on workers' habits, Metro said.

Experts conducting the survey found that more than 90% of office workers own mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) capable of sending and receiving email. One-third of these people access mailboxes on phones and tablets more than 20 times a day. Nearly 10% of office workers admit they spend up to three hours a day checking work-related messages on mobile devices or personal computers at home.

Picture 1 of Smart phones make us work harder

Owning smart phones and tablets is a dream
many people's wishes, but they also make time work
The average of office staff increased by up to two hours per day.

Two-thirds of the survey participants admitted they checked the email on their phones before they slept and after waking up.

The habit of checking mail on phones and computers outside of working hours has significantly increased the total working time of office staff. The results of the survey show that each office worker works from 9 to 10 hours a day, but they spend up to two hours on e-mail checking or making work-related calls.

"The ability to access millions of applications, maintain contact with others through social networks, take photos, record videos, and text messages makes smart phones an invaluable device for many people. Many companies want their employees to be ready to receive calls within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so smart phones make workers unable to get out of work, " Ghadi said. Hobeika, Pixmania's marketing director, said.

Update 18 December 2018



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