Sold out the first 100,000 HD DVD players

The group that promotes HD DVD says 100,000 HD DVD players have run out since the format was introduced in North America a year ago. The number of products sold does not include sales of HD DVD hard drives in PC and accessories for Xbox 360.

The group that promotes HD DVD says 100,000 HD DVD players have run out since the format was introduced in North America a year ago. The number of products sold does not include sales of HD DVD hard drives in PC and accessories for Xbox 360.

HD DVD is supported and supported by major brands such as Toshiba, Microsoft, Warner Bros and other leading manufacturers, and is currently a serious competitor to Blu-ray Disc, an earlier format created by Sony, Twentieth studios. Century Fox and others offer in the customer's choice when they intend to switch to high-definition format. Both of these formats basically provide better data storage capacity than regular DVDs, which are suitable for storing high-definition movies and other high-volume data.

Picture 1 of Sold out the first 100,000 HD DVD players
Sony had a kick in the market when it launched the PlayStation 3 with a Blu-ray drive. Other Blu-ray drives from other manufacturers were also introduced last year. Matsushita Group (owner of Panasonic brand), Pioneer, LG and many other consumer electronics companies also support this format.

Toshiba has accelerated its competition with Sony by reducing the price of some HD DVD players to less than $ 400 in the US. Analysts have anticipated that the price of this product will continue to decline as more products are sold.

Anh Thu

Update 13 December 2018



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