Staying in the house too much harms the young eyes

Climbing trees and running for hours outside was inevitable for every child's childhood. However, today, modern life makes children seem to be locked in their homes more and that may be harming their eyesight.

Lack of natural light makes the rate of nearsighted children increase

According to experts, it is too much for children with visual impairment to stay indoors because they sit in front of a computer screen. The lack of natural daylight is thought to speed up myopia in children.

Spending an additional 40 minutes a day under sunlight is proven to significantly improve eyesight for young eyes.

Picture 1 of Staying in the house too much harms the young eyes
Myopia rate decreased by 23% if the child worked outdoors for 40 minutes / day

In China, where 4/5 teenagers are nearsighted, authorities are testing transparent classrooms in an effort to increase student exposure to natural light.

Chinese scientists reported that myopia rate decreased by 23% in outdoor activity children by 40 minutes / day. Studies in Australia and the United States have obtained similar results.

Britain's leading eye surgeon, David Allamby, warns, vision problems will increase if children are not more involved in outdoor activities.

Allamby emphasized: "For the past 100 years, we have studied the effects of prolonged reading and learning on making myopia worse. A long-standing concept is, burying your head reading a book for too long or spending too much time in front of a computer screen will make anyone's eyesight worse.

However, many recent studies show that the lack of daylight , rather than reading too much, is the main reason why more and more children are nearsighted. "