Strong earthquake in California

A strong magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale occurred in California, the west coast of the United States, but no human and human damage was recorded.

A strong magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale occurred in California, the west coast of the United States, but no human and human damage was recorded.

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The epicenter of the earthquake was located about 10 km from the town of Weitchpec, in northern California and close to the neighboring state of Oregon, AFP quoted the American Geological Survey as saying. Seismic events occurred at 21:07 local time and at a depth of about 32km.

Picture 1 of Strong earthquake in California

The figure depicts a magnitude 5.6 earthquake (large circle) on the side
Northern California. Another earthquake with a 4.3-magnitude strong
(small circle) before that also happened in this state. (Graphic: Myforecast)

"We were shocked, but there was no physical damage and any human being in the area, and there was no tsunami warning , " said an official at the Humboldt County sheriff's office. Northern California, said. He described the earthquake that caused moderate vibrations.

The earthquakes are not uncommon in California, largely derived from the geological activity of the San Andreas fault zone that runs along the west of the most populous state in the United States.

Geologists say 99% of the possibility of a large-scale earthquake could happen in California in the next 30 years. A 7.8-magnitude earthquake could kill 1,800 people, injure over 50,000 and destroy 300,000 houses.

In 1994, a 6.7-magnitude seismic attack in Los Angeles, California's most populous city, caused at least 60 people to die and cause $ 10 billion in material damage. Another earthquake of 6.9 on the Richter scale occurred in San Francisco, also in the state of California, killing 67 people in 1989.

Update 16 December 2018



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