Rocket Lab revealed that one of its secret satellites is called Sao Nhan successfully launched into space with three other commercial satellites on January 21.

The American rocket was launched yesterday to bring a military spy satellite into orbit.

Korea hopes to successfully launch a satellite into space on October 26 in a third attempt to join the group of Asian powers that master this technology, including China, Japan and

After six weeks of weather delays and due to technical problems at the launcher's equipment monitoring division, on September 14 (Vietnam time).

On August 19, Russia successfully launched the US Intelsat-21 telecommunications satellite into orbit with the Zenit-3SL boosters from the Odyssey floating platform on the Pacific

Hackers are planning to launch their own information satellites into space, while developing ground information stations to track and communicate with them.

India successfully launched PSLV-C 14 boosters from the satellite launch center in the southern state of Andha Pradesh.