Radio emission (FRB), one of the greatest mysteries in the field of astronomy worldwide has been discovered in our galaxy system.

Until now, we still don't know what caused the FRB radio booms.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) program helps researchers find 72 mysterious radio waves emitted from distant places in the universe.

The origin of the mysterious signals, known as radio waves (FRB), is still unclear. Some argue that they can be emitted from black holes or neutron stars with extremely strong

Scientists confirm that mysterious radio waves actually come from outer space, not from Earth.

Scientists for the first time record mysterious radio signals from a strange source, about 5.5 billion light-years from Earth.

Scientists have discovered mysterious bursts of radio waves, which exist only for very short periods of time, originating billions of light years ago.

According to the Daily Star, the mysterious sound was recorded when the Cassini probe first flew around Saturn in 2004.