The tallest dog on the planet

Zeus, standing on its hind legs up to 2.2m high, is equal to the average height of a donkey. This great Great Dane dog weighs up to 52kg and eats up to 13kg of food a day, Discovery reported.

A dog has been recognized as the highest in the world record books.

Picture 1 of The tallest dog on the planet

Dog Zeus. (Photo: World record book)

Zeus, standing on its hind legs up to 2.2m high, is equal to the average height of a donkey. This great Great Dane dog weighs up to 52kg and eats up to 13kg of food a day, Discovery reported.

Zeus broke the old record of another dog of the same name named Giant George. This 7-year-old dog is 2.5cm lower than Zeus and now lives in Arizona state.

Although the ration is very large, Zeus's owner is Denise Doorlag, who lives in Michigan State, USA, very satisfied with his pet. She was happy to receive the new record that the dog received.

"Zeus is a great dog," said Denise Doorlag. According to the owner, the only difficulty is that the cost for Zeus is quite expensive from eating, medicine to traveling. "Every time you want to take the dog, there must be a small truck to carry and when it steps on your foot it will definitely leave a bruise."

The Great Dane dog has an oblong head, a rough forehead, a large nose and a muscular body. This dog has big, round, smart and clever eyes. Owning teeth is very strong and extremely sharp but this breed is quite gentle, they always show patience and like to play with children.

Update 16 December 2018



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