Threat from 'nutritional deviance'

Picture 1 of Threat from 'nutritional deviance' Being sick of anorexia or insensitive eating are the leading causes of death among Italian teenagers, mostly women - that is a warning of "Italian Research Society for unusual symptoms for food".

According to a new report by Sisdca, in Italy, about 150,000 to 200,000 young people aged between 12 and 25 suffer from one of these two diseases.

According to Sisdca, these eating diseases are becoming more and more popular in Italy, mainly in teenage girls due to a sense of deviance in their food, or fasting to keep their waist long. Familiarity leads to anorexia, or eating too much to satisfy cravings without knowing restraint.

Sisdca statistics show that the death rate in Italian youth due to diseases related to deviation in eating problems can be up to 10 to 15% per year.

Currently, the proportion of people suffering from these diseases in Italy's population is quite low, only from 0.2% to 0.3%, but the number has not been verified and may increase to 3, while this situation is not really interested in Italian opinion. /.