Tips to clean stains and odors on plastic

Compared to materials such as glass, porcelain, aluminum, stainless steel ... plastic utensils are harder to clean. But don't worry, you have salt, vinegar ...

Compared to materials such as glass, porcelain, aluminum, stainless steel . plastic utensils are harder to clean. But don't worry, you have salt, vinegar .

Using plastic boxes, whether plastic or plastic, soft plastic or hard plastic is quite convenient and cheap, it is appropriate to put food in the refrigerator or to bring lunch to work. The thing is, cleaning plastic is a bit annoying and difficult, because it often saves more odors than other materials.

Here are the best ways to clean plastic:

Wash plastic soon

Wash briefly (and clean if possible) as soon as you remove all the food from the box. The first step to remove food odors and stains left on plastic is to wash the box at the earliest possible time. After that, it can be washed thoroughly with warm water and dishwashing liquid is best. Finally rinse with water.

Picture 1 of Tips to clean stains and odors on plastic

Drying plastic containers under the sun, the smell of food will be removed.(Photo: huffingtonpost).

Put some salt in the plastic box

Although Thai curries and other spicy dishes make lunch delicious, they often retain a long-lasting smell in the plastic, even after being washed. To deodorize, you can put a large amount of salt in plastic containers. Before reusing, just remember to remove salt.

Sun drying plastic

Sunny works very well. Expose the plastic to the sun, the smell of the food stored here will be replaced by the scent of the sun.

Wash plastic with vinegar

After washing plastic with warm water and dishwashing liquid, fill it with vinegar and leave it to stand for 3 minutes. After that, pour the vinegar and rinse with water and dishwashing liquid again.

Use newspaper in plastic box

Persistent odor in plastic food containers can also be removed by newspaper. Put a crumpled newspaper on the inside of the box, wrap it outside the box and leave it overnight or longer. Remember to rinse with dishwashing liquid and water as we cannot guarantee whether the notice is hygienic.

Put plastic in the top rack at the dishwasher

If washing plastic with dishwashers, put them on the highest price. By placing at the bottom price, near the hottest area of ​​the washing machine, the plastic may be deformed.

Use baking soda to smell the plastic

We have become accustomed to the cleaning ability of baking soda, which eliminates stains and smells for plastics. Just pour a little warm water and a little baking soda powder and rub it inside and around the box. Then leave them alone for a day and then clean again. Just do so until the box clears stains and odors.

Update 15 December 2018



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