Treat worms with our onions

The use of onions is not only a spice that helps a delicious dish, or a hot onion porridge that works to treat flu, headache . but also an effective medicine for treating worms in both children and adults. .

Picture 1 of Treat worms with our onions

Onions (Photo: DT)

Two remedies from the following can treat worms effectively and inexpensively, non-toxic:

Subtract roundworm:

Take 30g of onion (both tubers and leaves) and then wash, chopped. Add mustard seed oil to the pan and then chopped onion. It should be noted, must burn big fire, how fast is it.

Feed your baby with onion oil in the early morning, when you wake up. After eating for about 2 hours, children can eat normally.

Using this medication continuously for 3 days will work to eliminate worms and not toxic to the body.

Cure the bile duct worm:

Fresh onions are washed, crushed, pressed to get 30g of juice. Then mix this juice with 30g of tea oil (can be replaced with peanut oil or sesame oil) to drink. It is also possible to drink things separately, but drink each other a few minutes apart.
