What is the drug Gaviscon? How to use Gaviscon medicine

Listed to treat stomach related diseases such as gastric reflux, stomach pain ... This is a medicine that patients can easily buy at pharmacies but not to harm Health needs to know how to use it effectively.

Listed to treat stomach related diseases such as gastric reflux, stomach pain . This is a medicine that patients can easily buy at pharmacies but not to harm Health needs to know how to use it effectively. Pharmacist - Saigon Medicine and Pharmacy College will guide Gaviscon's use and usage as follows:

Drugs Gaviscon: Uses and instructions for use

  • Gaviscon is what medicine?
  • The effect of Gaviscon on patients
  • Uses and usage of drugs Gaviscon
    • Drug use Gaviscon
    • How to use the medicine

Gaviscon is what medicine?

Being sold relatively popular in the Vietnamese pharmaceutical market, Gaviscon is currently on the list of drugs to treat the most sought-after gastroesophageal reflux disease today. Analysis from the medical side, Gaviscon is one of the functional foods to support the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease by the mechanism of acid resistant gel layer.

Picture 1 of What is the drug Gaviscon? How to use Gaviscon medicine

Gaviscon is a medicine to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The main ingredient for 1 tablet or 5ml Gaviscon medicated suspension will include:

  • Sodium alginate 250mg.
  • Sodium bicarbonate 133.5mg.
  • Calcium carbonate 80mg.

The effect of Gaviscon on patients

  • Rapid relief of symptoms of heartburn , gastroesophageal reflux : The ingredients in Gaviscon after being put into the body will quickly react with the acid in the stomach wall and create alginic acid gel layer with pH Neutral, timely prevention of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Gaviscon also has the ability to reduce over 80% of heartburn in 4 hours.
  • Gaviscon is highly effective if used in the right dosage : In fact, Gaviscon is often prescribed to be used without prescription, so patients can buy it at Western drug stores to drink. However, you should note that the medicine only works best if you take the medicine appropriately. Accordingly, you need to conduct a test for the doctor to diagnose and prescribe the appropriate medication, avoiding abuse of drugs that cause unwanted side effects.

Uses and usage of drugs Gaviscon

Drug use Gaviscon

Gaviscon is increasingly sought and believed by many people because of the effective use of the effect it brings in the treatment of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease:

  • Improving indigestion, heartburn, heartburn after meals due to gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Support treatment for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

How to use the medicine

  • For adults and children over 12 years : Use 10 - 20ml of oral suspension (about 2-4 spoonfuls). If using chewable tablets, use 2-4 tablets, divided into 4 times daily (3 main meals and before going to bed).
  • For children from 6 to 12 years of age : Use 1/2 of an adult's dose or as directed by a doctor in some cases.
  • Children under 6 years of age : Doctors recommend not to take drugs.
  • Elderly : There is no need to adjust the intake with this age group.

Note: Information on drugs and brand names posted in the Family Medicine Cabinet section on Website Khoahoc.tv is for reference only. Consult your doctor before deciding to treat any medicine to bring about good and safe effects for your health.

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Update 15 July 2019



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