What is the thyroid? How do they work?

Underneath the tissue in the neck is a tiny organ that takes on an enormous task for the entire body, which is the thyroid.

Underneath the tissue in the neck is a tiny organ that takes on an enormous task for the entire body, the thyroid . Just like the CEO of a company, the thyroid gland ensures all cells in the body function normally. It uses hormones to transmit commands to each cell.

The function of the thyroid gland

This high-level organ is made up of lobules containing smaller cells called cysts, which store the hormones that your thyroid gland passes into your bloodstream. The two important hormones produced by the thyroid are Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine, also known as T3 and T4 . With the function of information, hormone is responsible for instructing every cell in the body to absorb oxygen and nutrients, helping to maintain metabolism and a series of energy supply reactions for the body.

Picture 1 of What is the thyroid? How do they work?

The thyroid gland ensures that all cells in the body function normally.

For example : Hormone-sent information helps the heart pump blood more efficiently and helps cells absorb nutrients faster. When we need more energy, the thyroid gland releases hormones that help boost metabolism. The thyroid gland regulates energy use, growth and reproduction.

The thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland located deep in the brain that monitors the tasks of the thyroid gland to make sure it understands when to send information. The pituitary gland will judge whether the level of the hormone in the blood is too low or too high, to send commands to the thyroid (TSH).

What if the thyroid is unstable?

But even with this tightly controlled system, sometimes operations still encounter problems. Certain illnesses can disrupt the organ and become indifferent to orders from the pituitary gland.

  • Hyperthyroidism: Occurs when the thyroid secrete too much hormone. That means the cells are overloaded with commands to absorb nutrients, oxygen and overreact. A person with hyperthyroidism will have a faster metabolism that makes the heart beat faster, often hungry and lose weight fast. They also feel hot, sweaty, or restless and have trouble sleeping.
  • Hypothyroidism : Occurs when the thyroid secrete too little hormone, making the cells in the body do not receive enough information. They become sluggish and delay metabolism. People with hypothyroidism often have symptoms of weight gain such as drowsiness, easy colds, swollen joints and feeling depressed.

Fortunately, there are medications that can help stabilize the activity of the thyroid gland and return the body to a rhythmic metabolism. Although small, the thyroid gland holds power in its hands and cannot be underestimated.

  • What is a thyroid tumor? How to treat thyroid tumor?
  • What is the pancreas? How do they work?
Update 20 November 2019



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