3 bananas a day help reduce the risk of stroke

Eating bananas during breakfast, lunch and dinner will provide the body with enough potassium to help reduce the risk of blood clots in the brain by 21%.

This is a new discovery by British and Italian researchers. This new finding could help thousands of people each year prevent the risk of stroke by consuming potassium-rich foods like spinach, fish, milk, lentils and nuts.

Picture 1 of 3 bananas a day help reduce the risk of stroke
Three bananas a day help people reduce their risk of stroke by 21%.

Although previous research programs have suggested that bananas may play an important role in controlling blood pressure and preventing stroke, the results are not consistent.

However, the latest results by British and Italian researchers, published in the American College of Cardiology , are based on data analysis from 11 other studies conducted. in the last 60 years to give a final general result.

Scientists have found that a person consumes about 1,600 mg of potassium a day (less than half the amount the UK suggests adults should supplement every day) can reduce the risk of stroke 1/5.

Meanwhile, an average banana containing about 500 mg of potassium helps lower blood pressure and control fluid balance in the body. Potassium deficiency can lead to abnormal heart rhythms, nausea, irritability and diarrhea.

Every year, about 1,155,000 people worldwide die from stroke. A stroke occurs when a blood clot appears in a blood vessel that blocks the blood supply to the brain.