6 signs that you have not eaten enough vegetables

When you cut down on carbohydrates and sugar and still gain weight, consider whether you have eaten enough fiber.

When you cut down on carbohydrates and sugar and still gain weight, consider whether you have eaten enough fiber.

1. Gain weight even though you're on a diet

Picture 1 of 6 signs that you have not eaten enough vegetables

Fiber helps to saturate, promote energy metabolism, consume excess fat.

When you abstain from starch and sugar but still don't lose weight or even increase it, the problem may be that you eat too little vegetables. When you cut down on starch, you will need to eat a lot of beef and animal fat for energy. These foods often contain fat that is difficult to metabolize, causing a feeling of fullness, such as not being saturated long enough, causing belly fat to accumulate, leading to weight gain. If you supplement your energy with green vegetables, you will not feel hungry, belly fat is also significantly consumed.

2. Frequently tired

If you are constantly tired, dizzy, suddenly dizzy, you may be deficient in magnesium and zinc. You need to add darker vegetables like beetroot, spinach, tomatoes, spinach to regenerate energy and eliminate toxins in the blood.

3. Appear acne

Picture 2 of 6 signs that you have not eaten enough vegetables

Acne appears on the forehead, chin is a warning sign that the body is lacking in fiber.

Green vegetables and fruits are nutritional supplements not only for the body but also the skin. Natural sugar in vegetables does not make you gain weight but is easy to convert into energy, helping you to function better. Red, yellow and green vegetables should be added as they are rich in antioxidants, which help regenerate collagen and prevent skin aging effectively.

4. Fast to feel hungry

If you feel hungry for an hour or two after eating, chances are you don't have enough fiber at mealtime. It is recommended to use vegetables for dinner to have a full stomach, easy to digest, and eliminate toxins easily the next morning. In addition, actively take fiber from fresh fruits, grains, and beans.

5. Difficulty indigestion, constipation

This is the most visible sign when you don't eat enough vegetables. Lack of fiber causes a feeling of bloating due to excess substances that cannot be excreted. Over a long time, you will see dull pain in your abdomen, tired body.

6. Easy to get sick

Picture 3 of 6 signs that you have not eaten enough vegetables

Diets that don't produce enough vegetables also weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to getting sick.

When the body is not getting enough fiber, the immune system weakens, making it easier for you to get sick when the weather changes. It is advisable to add more vegetables to the dinner menu instead of meat because this is the time when internal organs need to rest. Broccoli, broccoli are very good vegetables for the immune system.

Update 15 December 2018



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