7 simple ways to build an eco-friendly diet

You can do your part to heal the planet by developing eco-friendly eating habits. 1. Grow your own food

You can't stop the industrialization that is polluting the globe, but you can do your part to heal the planet by building eco-friendly eating habits.

1. Grow your own food

Picture 1 of 7 simple ways to build an eco-friendly diet

Ancestors and grandparents all grow their own food, why can't our generation? 

Life is busier and more affluent, causing us to be dragged into the buying and selling process, forgetting that we can also make our own food. Now, the food production is industrialized and operated by companies, businesses, households… not much concerned with the toxicity of chemicals but only putting profit first. Products prepared with dirty grease are the cause of many serious diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.

Sweep your garden or small balcony to turn it into a 'small garden' to grow food. You'll be amazed at how easy and rewarding it is to create your own food, and you'll be even more amazed at how much fresh food the family can harvest from the smallest of spaces. .

2. Eat local food

Picture 2 of 7 simple ways to build an eco-friendly diet

If growing your own food isn't feasible, consider buying food from local grow sites and independent grocers. Currently, there are many people who live in the city but bring food grown in the countryside to sell to friends and colleagues. So you have both clean food to eat and help farmers to consume better products. Or you can go to the wholesale markets, choose to buy from the shops that grow their own food in their garden (land). Imported foods are often presented with the most fancy words, but you don't know what preservatives they are laced with. 

3. Buy food from local farmers

Picture 3 of 7 simple ways to build an eco-friendly diet

If you want the food you eat to keep all the nutrients intact, you should buy directly from the farmers. Food quickly loses its nutritional value after being picked (cut). The precious first days in transit cause a significant loss of nutrients. If your family is near the farming area, it is easy to come and buy directly. If you live far away, you should create a long-term relationship with growers so that they can send goods as soon as they are harvested.

4. Eat more plant-based foods

Picture 4 of 7 simple ways to build an eco-friendly diet

You should add more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

Whether you're a vegetarian or a vegan, it's an obvious fact that a plant-based diet is better for the planet than using the resources needed to raise livestock and poultry. meat. Not to mention a vegetarian diet also brings a lot of benefits to your health. A study in the journal JAMA Network found that plant-based diets were more effective for weight loss than other diets. Another study in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases found that a plant-based diet reduced the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 40%. You don't have to give up meat entirely, but add more plants to your diet. Eating more plant-based foods will bring many benefits to you, your family and the Earth.

5. Choose organic food 

Organic food may be more expensive than food grown in the midst of chemicals, but the benefits to you and the environment are immense. To grow organic food, people will not spray poison on the soil and food, but will nourish it with the most natural methods. Toxic chemicals in the soil are the cause of many serious diseases, including cancer.

Picture 5 of 7 simple ways to build an eco-friendly diet

6. Drink pure tap water

Choosing tap water instead of bottled water helps our planet 'clean up' billions of bottles lying on the roadside or floating in the sea. Even the simple act of bringing home an empty bottle to reuse is already helping to protect the environment. Currently on the market, there are modern water purifiers available on the market, you just need to install them in the kitchen, turn on the normal faucet and you will have clean drinking water available immediately. 

7. Limit your intake of packaged (or take-out) foods

Picture 6 of 7 simple ways to build an eco-friendly diet

The environmental benefit is similar to not using plastic bottles to drink water. To pack food, people have to use billions of plastic bags, plastic spoons, styrofoam boxes, even printed packaging is also a toxic. When you go shopping, bring a cloth bag to store the products you buy, to avoid having each item wrapped in a different plastic bag. Your small actions will reduce the amount of waste in landfills, reducing the burden of recycling from food packaging. And of course this is useful work in the long run to restore the planet.

Update 23 March 2022



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