Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

People in Guangxi, China discovered an ancient tomb at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 TCN-220), located near the river used to be a Chinese feudal sea silk route.

People in Guangxi, China discovered an ancient tomb at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 TCN-220), located near the river used to be a Chinese feudal sea silk route.

Picture 1 of Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

According to China News, people in Zhongshan District, Xiazhou City, Guangxi Province, China, while digging their foundations for houses, discovered an ancient tomb at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty with a history of up to 2,000 years.

Picture 2 of Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

The excavation team has dug many antiques such as pottery cauldron, ceramic vases, copper bowls, copper coins and copper mirrors.In the style, type and quantity of antiques, the identity of the grave owner may belong to the upper class in ancient Chinese society.

Picture 3 of Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

The archaeological team also discovered ear rings, silk wheels, copper mirrors, indicating that the grave owner might be female.In addition, the size of the reel is found in a fairly large grave, the largest type of reel in local history.

Picture 4 of Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

The location of the tomb is located in the Tu Can river basin.In the Han Dynasty, this river was named Fuzhou, the only waterway between the Chuan River and the Ly River in the ancient Hazhou Road in history.Tu Can is now a branch of the Ly River, now called Que Giang River, flowing through the northeastern area of ​​the Choang Autonomous Region, Guangxi Province.

Picture 5 of Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

In ancient times, merchant ships traveled from the Que Giang River to the Tay Giang River, or through the Leizhou Peninsula to Hop Pho and into the Gulf of Tonkin, to South Asian countries.

Picture 6 of Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

Archaeologists say that the Tu Can River is an important part of the maritime Silk Road , which also connects the Central Highlands culture and Lingnan culture.

Picture 7 of Ancient tomb 2,000 years next to the silk road on the sea

The discovery of the grave provided additional grounds for studying China's Xiaoguan ancient road and China's maritime Silk Road.Besides, it also has important reference value for studying the distribution, direction and situation of socio-economic development along the ancient road of Xia Ha, as well as burial practices at that time.

Update 17 December 2018



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